Cardiac Signaling Center

The electrophysiology, Ca2+ imaging and human stem cell research lab is led by Dr. Martin Morad, who holds the BlueCross Blue Shield of South Carolina Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Health.

Morad Lab
Staff from the Department of Regenerative Medicine.


We are currently accepting applications from potential graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Please see specific instructions below.

Postdoctoral Scholars
Those interested in pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in one of the laboratories of the Cardiac Signaling Center should email Dr. Morad, Dr. Yamaguchi, or Dr. Foley a CV and a brief statement of interest. Applicants who meet all requirements will be invited to interview and give a laboratory seminar.

Graduate Students
Students interested in the Cardiac Signaling Center may directly contact either Dr. Morad, Dr. Yamaguchi, or Dr. Foley to inquire about current research projects and arrange a rotation.

Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students are always welcome to contact us to inquire about opportunities for getting involved in the laboratory during summer and academic year internships.

Applicants to these labs stand to gain experience in a variety of biological techniques, that vary greatly under each Principal Investigator despite a common interest in cardiac physiology. In Doctor Morad's laboratory, accepted applicants would become experienced in Calcium Signaling through state-of-the-art imaging including fluorescent microscopy (TIRF, confocal), electrophysiology techniques such as patch clamping, as well as the development of molecular engineered probes. Working under Doctor Yamaguchi, applicants may gain knowledge of gene targeting as well as molecular biology and biochemistry. Doctor Foley's laboratory specializes in developmental biology in relation to cardiovascular differentiation of iPSCs.