Patient care, research, education supporting our tripartite mission.

Annual Reports

2024 Annual Report

annual report 

This year, MUSC celebrates its bicentennial. As we commemorate the tenacity, grit, and innovative spirit of the visionaries who founded the Medical University of South Carolina in 1824, we honor the 200-year legacy of contributions,milestones, and firsts that MUSC faculty, leaders, students, and staff have made to the health care journey here in South Carolina and the U.S.

The Department of Surgery is now one of 24 departments in the College of Medicine. Our growth and impact on patients and communities directly result from our people, who are the heart of our work and the culture we are cultivating. It is crucial to attract and retain surgeon-scientists and cutting-edge researchers who are best suited to uphold our tripartite mission, some of whom you will learn about in this report.

I hope you enjoy reading about the foundation our history provides and the strides we are making today, which enable us to explore new opportunities to enhance patient care through our innovation, impact, and influence. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing interest in the Department’s progress and the future of surgery.

With gratitude,

Prabhakar Baliga, M.D., FACS
R. Randolph Bradham, M.D., Endowed Chair of Surgery
Chair, MUSC Department of Surgery

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2022 report 

2023 Annual Report 

Over the past several years, the Department of Surgery has focused on strategic growth and recruitment, bringing world class clinicians and surgical innovators to MUSC.   Download the PDF.

2022 report 

2022 Annual Report 

Despite the ongoing pandemic and the continual challenges in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, our commitment to our patients remains resolute.  Download the PDF.

2021 annual report 

2021 Annual Report

In a year unlike any other, our clinicians in the Department of Surgery remained resolute in our effort to provide the best possible care to our patients.  Download the PDF.

2020 report 

2020 Annual Report

The Department of Surgery continues to flourish. In fact, we continued to provide surgical care using best practices to protect the health of our patients and care teams. Download the PDF.