Feghali Bostwick research lab


The Division of Rheumatology and Immunology leads a globally recognized, multidisciplinary research program dedicated to systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Through clinical, translational, and basic research, we drive scientific discoveries that improve patient care and treatment outcomes.

Our clinical research program provides patients with opportunities to participate in disease registries and groundbreaking clinical trials, ranging from early-stage therapies to large-scale NIH- and industry-supported studies. Our basic and translational research uncovers the underlying mechanisms of rheumatic diseases, translating these insights into innovative therapies.

By combining cutting-edge science with patient-centered research, we are shaping the future of systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus treatment, bringing novel solutions from the lab to the clinic.

MUSC Center for Inflammation and Fibrosis Research

As one of South Carolina’s SmartState Centers, the MUSC Center for Inflammation and Fibrosis Research drives cutting-edge research on inflammation and fibrosis, focusing on scleroderma and lupus—two complex connective tissue diseases. The center is led by Carol Feghali-Bostwick, Ph.D., SmartState and Kitty Trask Holt Endowed Chair for Scleroderma Research, and Betty Tsao, Ph.D., Richard M. Silver SmartState Endowed Chair for Inflammation Research.

Building on a strong foundation of clinical and translational research, the center develops new technologies and spin-off companies while training the next generation of researchers. Through education and mentorship, it strengthens the workforce pipeline and advances discoveries that improve patient outcomes. 

Core Center for Clinical Research

The MUSC P30-funded Improving Minority Health in Rheumatic Diseases (IMHeaRD) Core Center for Clinical Research (CCCR) provides unique resources to enable and advance clinical and translational research designed to improve the health of individuals with rheumatic diseases.

Advancing Lupus Research at MUSC

The Lupus Erythematosus research group (also known as M.U.S.C.L.E.) at MUSC conducts clinical, translational, and basic research to advance lupus treatment. Our clinical trials explore mesenchymal stem cells, biomarkers, and novel therapies, while industry-sponsored trials test targeted treatments. Basic research investigates immune system dysregulation, genetic and environmental risk factors, and inflammatory pathways in lupus. Through cutting-edge research, we aim to improve outcomes for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).