DART Summer Research Day

DART Summer Students are required to submit an abstract and poster for presentation. At the end of the 10-week Summer Program, DART trainees present the culmination of their work at the annual DART Summer Research Day. 

2024 DART Summer Research Day

Keynote Address: Niranjan Karnik, M.D., Ph.D.

Friday, July 26, 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. EDT

Both virtual and in-person attendees can register for this hybrid talk using this link or QR code below.

Keynote Address will be followed by 2024 DART Summer trainee poster presentations at the MUSC Institute of Psychiatry. 

2024 Presentation E-Gallery

Evaluating the Impact of E-Cigarettes on Cigarette Reinforcement Value: A Secondary Analysis of a Nationwide Clinical Trial Using the Brief Cigarette Purchase Task
Presented by Khalea Avery
Undergraduate student at Alabama A&M University
Mentored by Tracy Smith. Ph.D.

Khalea Avery Poster

Shifting Perceptions of E-Cigarette Risk: A Secondary Analysis from a Nationwide, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial for E-Cigarette Uptake Among Smokers
Presented by Emily Barros, B.S.
Undergraduate student from the University of South Carolina Honors College
Mentored by Tracey Smith, Ph.D.

Emily Barros Poster

Examining Nicotine Dependence in Adults using E- cigarettes with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Presented by Clariashli Docena-Guerrero
Undergraduate student at the College of Charleston
Mentored by Erin McClure, Ph.D. and Rachel Tomko, Ph.D.

Clari Docena Poster

The Effect of Having Sucrose as an Alternative on Voluntary Alcohol Intake in Alcohol-Dependent and Control, Non-Dependent Mice
Presented by Luna Holley
Undergraduate student at Marian University
Mentored by Marcelo Lopez, Ph.D. and Howard Becker, Ph.D.

Luna Holley Poster

Effects of Teachers' Expectations on Middle School Students’ Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes
Presented by Aileen Kangavary, B.A.
Doctoral student at the University of South Florida
Mentored by Colleen Halliday, Ph.D.

Aileen Kangavary Poster

The Effects of Cannabidiol on Olfactory Physiological Cue Reactivity in Youth with Alcohol Use Disorder
Presented by Alison Kong
Undergraduate student at the University of South Carolina
Mentored by Lindsay Squeglia, Ph.D. and Anna Kirkland, Ph.D.

Alison Kong Poster 

Investigating the Anti-Pain Effect of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (taVNS) in Patients with Chronic Post-Stroke Upper Extremity Pain
Presented by Fisayo Omonije
Undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University
Mentored by Bashar Badran, Ph.D.

Fisayo Omonije Poster

Does Enhanced Cognitive Processing Therapy with Lifesteps Reduce HIV Stigma and PTSD Symptoms Among People with HIV?: Preliminary Results from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Presented by Shibrika Pansy, M.S.
Medical Student at Howard University College of Medicine
Mentored by Carla Danielson, Ph.D. and Cristina Lopez, Ph.D.

Shibrika Pansy Poster

Neuronal Activity in Prefrontal Cortex Underlying Relapse in Substance Use Disorders
Presented by Aryan Parmar
Undergraduate student at the College of Charleston
Mentored by Elizabeth Doncheck, Ph.D.

Aryan Parmar Poster

Disparities in Cesarean Delivery Rates among Low-Risk, Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (NTSV) and an Institution’s Efforts to Reduce Them
Presented by Sumaya Smarony, B.A.
Medical student at Howard University College of Medicine
Mentored by Connie Guille, M.D.

Sumaya Smarony Poster

Sign vs. Goal Tracking in Alcohol Use Disorder: Predicting Problem Alcohol Use Using a Neurophysiological Endophenotype of Reward-Based Incentive Salience Attribution
Presented by Sophia Taber
Undergraduate student at the University of South Carolina Honors College
Mentored by Lisa McTeague, Ph.D.

Sophia Taber Poster

Moderating Role of Smoking on the Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Frontal Glutamate Levels in Co-Occurring Bipolar and Alcohol Use Disorders
Presented by Courtland Woods
Post-baccalaureate student at the University of South Carolina
Mentored by James Prisciandaro, Ph.D.

Courtland Woods Poster