DART Application Guidelines

Application and eligibility requirements for the Resident Research Track, the FLEX Research Elective and the Summer Program are listed below. Please contact the DART Program Coordinator if you have any additional questions.

Residency Program

During the first and second year of residency, you are encouraged to consider your research interests and meet with potential research mentors. Primary research mentors should be clinically-trained investigators with R01 or other competitive peer-reviewed funding, and a strong track record of research mentoring. As your primary mentor, they are responsible for:

  • Meeting with you on a regular basis (e.g., weekly or bimonthly)
  • Closely supervising your research progress and development
  • Meeting with you and the DART Leadership team (Drs. Brady, Back, Barth, Book, and Halliday) twice a year to establish your annual goals and evaluate progress toward attaining those goals
  • Providing mentorship regarding your research career options and decisions.

Regular Decision

Applications are to be submitted during the second year of residency (PGY2) with official start date at the beginning of the third year of residency (PGY3). Typically, the program is able to accept 2 to 4 new trainees each year.


Resident at MUSC

To apply, please submit the following materials

  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1 to 2 page personal statement
  • Name of primary research mentor
  • Two letters of reference, one of which should be from your primary research mentor who will be supervising your work in the DART program

All application materials should be submitted to Dr. Sudie Back by March 1. Please be aware that supplemental information may be requested during the application process.

Early Application


Resident at MUSC, must apply for the NIH LRP Program

To apply, please submit the following materials

  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1 to 2 page personal statement
  • Name of primary research mentor
  • Two letters of reference, one of which should be from your primary research mentor who will be supervising your work in the DART program

PGY1 residents interested in starting the DART program during their PGY3 are eligible to apply for an early application opening March 1. Early applications close August 1, and notifications will be sent by September 1. In order to apply for the early application you must apply to the NIH LRP Program. Materials are to be submitted to Dr. Sudie Back. Please be aware that supplemental information may be requested during the process.  

2024 Resident Research Track trainees and Leadership Team at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


DART FLEX Research Elective

The DART Program will be offering select spots for research mentorship and training as part of the MUSC Flex Program's Research Elective.


MUSC Medical Student

To apply, please submit the following material

  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1 to 2 page personal statement
  • 1 letter of recommendation 

Application for the 2024 FLEX Elective are now closed. 

Please contact the DART Program Coordinator if you have any additional questions.

DART Summer Program

Spots are limited and applications are competitive. Undergraduate, graduate and medical students are eligible to apply. Students that are accepted into the summer program will be matched with a faculty mentor based on research interests. Thus, you do not need to identify a mentor before you apply to the DART summer program. If your application is accepted, we will identify a mentor for you, and will provide you with your mentor's name and contact information so that you may contact him or her and begin preparing for the summer program.

To apply, complete our online application and be prepared to submit the following materials

  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1-2 page personal statement

2023 DART Summer Fellows gather at the Annual DART Summer Research Day.