Our Alumni

our recent general surgery graduates
Our 2023 general surgery residency graduates with leadership during the graduation dinner.

As an important member of our community, you have access to alumni events, societies, and annual meetings. Former students of the department of Surgery have helped to shape the programs during their tenure and have gone on to impact our related fields during their careers. We invite you to reconnect with our department and each other! 

Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society

Enrich your professional experience by reconnecting with your MUSC colleagues. All Surgical residency and fellowship alumni are welcomed into the Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society during the graduation dinner. In 2020, exciting plans were underway to celebrate the 10th year of the Curtis P. Artz MUSC Surgical Society's revitalization with surgical alumni gatherings in Charleston and at the ACS meeting in Chicago when our lives suddenly changed. We pivoted to create alternative “virtual" gatherings to bring us all together and once again we are creating exciting plans for in person get togethers, reinvigorating the Society with even more exciting ways for you to stay connected and share with you all of the exciting, innovative work our clinician - scientists are accomplishing.

Meet Our Alumni

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