Grand Rounds

 April 8

Title:  Embracing Culture and Community in Surgical Practice: Are we thinking beyond our knives?

Moderator: A.Sharee Wright, MD, RPVI, FACS


Tamara Butler, Ph.D., Executive Director, Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture

Lisa M. Collins, Chief, Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

Sean P. Haley, MD, MPH, Vice Chair Director of Medical Student Education, MUSC Dept of Family Medicine, Medical Director, MUSC CARES Clinic

April 29

Invited Speaker

Clifford Y. Ko, MD, MS, MSHS, FACS,

Clifford Y. Ko, MD, MS, MSHS, FACS, is the Senior Vice President of the ACS Division of Research and Optimal Patient Care, overseeing the College’s quality improvement programs. His work primarily focuses on surgical quality of care, including quality measurement, process improvement, value-based care, and achieving high reliability in surgical care.



Awards Day

Invited Speaker

Megan Baker, M.D.

Megan Baker, M.D. is Chief Operating Officer at Roper St. Francis Healthcare, Director of Roper St. Francis Healthcare Cancer Center and Medical Director of Roper's Oncology Integrated Practice Network. Dr. Baker joined Roper St. Francis Healthcare in 2015 after 10 years as medical director of Comprehensive Breast Care at Hollings Cancer Center. She became one of our first Integrated Practice Network clinical leaders and brought a pioneering spirit to grow surgical volumes. As a physician leader, Dr. Baker has helped forge a new relationship with Charleston Oncology to enhance RSFH’s network of cancer providers, as well as assist in implementing clinical and testing protocols, recruiting physicians, advancing our robotic strategy, and representing the clinical perspective at the highest level of decision making.

June 10

Kredel Springs Lecture

Gilbert R Upchurch, Jr, M.D.

Edward M. Copeland III and Ann & Ira Horowitz Chair

Professor of Vascular Surgery


Past Grand Rounds