Faculty writing on board in classroom

Joint Degrees

Accelerated Pathway Degrees: The 4+1 Clemson to MUSC Master of Public Health Degrees

Blue MUSC logo above orange Clemson University logoMUSC is excited to partner with Clemson University to offer students an opportunity to potentially eliminate one year of study, and the associated tuition, in their total undergraduate-professional program. Clemson students can meet the eligibility requirements as early as their freshman year at Clemson, and continue on a set curriculum, which will ultimately allow the student to complete their B.S. degree at Clemson, and then earn an MPH degree at MUSC three semesters later. In an effort to retain the best and brightest students in South Carolina, this new collaboration invites interested students to earn a Master of Public Health in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, or Health Behavior & Health Promotion.

Current Clemson students can apply and find more information about the accelerated pathways program at Clemson Education.

For more information, please email Amelia Clinkscales, Director of Undergraduate Programs & Senior Lecturer in the Clemson University Department of Public Health Sciences at abclink@clemson.edu.

Clemson-MUSC Ph.D. Degree in Biomedical Data Science & Informatics

Posed group of faculty and staff outside at a BDSI planning meetingMUSC and Clemson University have partnered to offer students a Ph.D. in Biomedical Data Science and Informatics. This program successful uses Clemson’s strengths in computing, engineering, and public health and MUSC’s expertise in biomedical sciences to help create the next generation of data scientists. Graduates will possess the necessary skills for informatics careers in biology, medicine, or public health focused on the development of prescriptive analytics from large data sources.

More information and resources including study requirements and application information, can be found at Clemson Biomedical Data Science and Informatics.

For more information regarding a Clemson-MUSC joint degree in Biomedical Data Science & Informatics, please contact the following:

MUSC Contacts

Dr. Caitlin Allen

Assistant Professor
Email: allencat@musc.edu
Phone: 843-792-4216

Taneisha Simpson

Administrative Coordinator I
Email: simpst@musc.edu

Clemson University Contacts

Brian Dean

Program Coordinator
Email: bcdean@clemson.edu
Phone: 864-656-5866

Adam Rollins

Admissions Support
Email: rollin7@clemson.edu
Phone: 864-656-5853