DR chief resident hero 2023

Letter From the Chief Residents

Welcome to the MUSC Radiology Residency Program web page. We believe that Radiology is one of the most exciting, dynamic, and challenging medical specialties. Our residency program offers a comprehensive learning experience with a myriad of opportunities for personal growth. Graduating residents leave primed for successful careers, either in private practice or academic radiology.

MUSC is a state of the art, rapidly growing university health care system located in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina. The Radiology department at MUSC is among the best equipped radiology departments in the world. Residents work daily on state-of-the-art equipment in clinical, educational, and research settings. Equipment highlights include one of the first photon counting CTs, dual source multi-detector CT, PET/CT, 3 Tesla clinical and research MRI, digital mammography, and tomosynthesis.

Our residents are a broad-ranging but cohesive group. Though mostly from the southeast United States, MUSC residents come from all across the country. We value hard commitment to patient care work and teamwork, and in our free time, we enjoy the opportunities offered by living in a coastal vacation destination. The program accepts 11 diagnostic radiology residents and 2 IRD/DR residents each year. With over 45 faculty members, MUSC is able to provide a great faculty-to-resident ratio, facilitating resident supervision and training. Independent overnight call, a broad range of cases, and high patient volume are key strengths of our training. At the close of residency, fellowship positions are available in body imaging, cardiovascular imaging, interventional radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, mammography, nuclear medicine, and neuroradiology imaging.

The Department of Radiology is committed to education, clinical outreach, and research. Daily faculty-run didactic and case conferences prepare our residents for clinical rotations and for board examinations. Introductory lecture series helps 1st year residents acclimate to radiology residency. Special series are also provided by our faculty to prepare residents for call and the ABR Core examination.

MUSC graduates are universally accepted into their desired fellowships. We are especially known in the national and international radiology community as leaders in cardiac imaging, hosting the Charleston Course on Cardiovascular Imaging at Kiawah Island. The faculty consists of nationally and internationally renowned clinicians and researchers.

We look forward to meeting you during your interview. Please use our website as a source for additional information about our program including benefits, leave, and the many extracurricular activities we participate in, which include Women in Radiology meetings and monthly wellness gatherings, among others. Our department boasts a very friendly and collegial environment where residents enjoy exceptional training, grow together, and enjoy bonds that extend beyond the reading room. We hope with your interview experience you can see these grains of gold in our character the exceptional residency program here at MUSC and consider us for your training in Diagnostic Radiology. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to meeting you. Please email either of us with any questions and good luck!


Co-Chief Residents
Department of Radiology
Medical University of South Carolina

 Claire Adcock Austin Fullenkamp   Alex Rios
Claire Adcock
Austin Fullenkamp
Alex Rios