About the Department of Public Health Sciences

The Department of Public Health Sciences (DPHS) is at the start of an exciting new phase in the College of Medicine and the University. It evolved from what used to be the Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology, which has been in existence since 1968.
Our faculty is wide-range in background, training, and research interests. We have faculty working on biostatistical methods development; clinical trials; epidemiology of cancer, diabetes, psychiatry, neurosciences, rheumatologic disorders, and infectious diseases; health disparities; community outreach; and health services. Our graduate students and post-doctoral trainees also have varied backgrounds and career paths. They are successfully employed by academic institutions, federal government agencies, and the private sectors. The DPHS offers a collegial and supportive environment to promote and enhance intellectual and scientific endeavors of faculty and students.