Goals & Objectives

Specific goals of EQUIPTT are to:

  1. Reduce the gap in widespread availability of technology-based, scalable, and innovative, resources for trauma-affected youth and families.
  2. Build workforce capacity for professionals serving trauma-affected youth between the ages of 7-18 by
    • developing technology-based products;
    • conducting trainings through webinars and Learning Collaboratives; and
    • promoting wide scale dissemination of resources through our website, social media, and partnerships.
  3. Improve sustained quality delivery of trauma-focused evidence-based interventions across the U.S.
  4. Expand access to trauma-focused evidence-based interventions (EBIs) for underserved populations.

To achieve these goals, we will:

  1. Identify technology-related product development, resource, and training needs across the NCTSN by conducting a Network-wide needs assessment. These data will help to inform:
    • proposed training activities and product development,
    • development of tech-related resources, which we will then compile into a Technology Development Resource Toolkit (TDRT) for widespread dissemination
    • launch of our Consultation/Mentorship program
  2. Modify training curricula for specific trauma-focused EBIs, Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT), to integrate the innovative use of technology, promote hybrid delivery (in person/virtual) and incorporate telehealth delivery.
  3. Develop an online, asynchronous web course for RRFT (RRFTWeb), which will mirror our highly successful TF-CBT Web course that is used widely within and outside of the NCTSN as a critical foundational learning component.
  4. Conduct technology-based trainings (LCs/CBLCs) to increase the number of providers skilled to deliver trauma-focused, EBIs (TF-CBT, RRFT) and address implementation challenges in collaboration with partners within and outside of the NCTSN.
  5. Develop and disseminate a resource for sustainable quality delivery of trauma focused EBIs - the Supporting Providers and Reaching Kids (SPARK) toolkit, which consists of a collection of interactive games and activities designed to help clinicians engage children in key elements of TF-CBT, maintaining fidelity to the protocol, and help providers prepare for sessions. Develop and disseminate a resource for sustainable quality delivery of trauma-focused EBIs - the SPARK toolkit, which consists of a collection of interactive games and activities designed to help clinicians engage children in key elements of TF-CBT, maintain fidelity to the protocol, and help providers prepare for sessions.
  6. Adapt and disseminate an evidence-based youth self-directed app (Bounce Back Now) to expand access of trauma-focused EBIs across wide-ranging populations. This app has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing mental health symptoms following a natural disaster. We plan to adapt this app to an iOS platform and enhance content to increase its applicability across a variety of youth populations and a broader range of traumatic events. The app consists of education and coping skills that are relevant for youth exposed to a variety of traumatic events.