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DKE generates a set of kurtosis (axial, mean, radial) parametric maps. DKE also generates diffusivity (axial, mean, radial) and fractional anisotropy maps using either DKI or diffusion tensor imaging signal models.* In the latest version of DKE, we added the creation of two new parametric maps; KFA and MKT.

Kmean (MK) - Mean kurtosis, the diffusional kurtosis averaged over all gradient directions8.

Kmean (MK) - Mean kurtosis, the diffusional kurtosis averaged over all gradient directions8

Kax (KII) - Axial kurtosis, the diffusional kurtosis in the direction of highest diffusion8.

Kax (KII) - Axial kurtosis, the diffusional kurtosis in the direction of highest diffusion8

Krad (KI) - Radial kurtosis, the mean direction kurtosis perpendicular to the direction of highest diffusion7.

Krad (KI) - Radial kurtosis, the mean direction kurtosis perpendicular to the direction of highest diffusion7

MKT - Mean kurtosis tensor73.

MKT - Mean kurtosis tensor73

K2 (K2) - Kurtosis along the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the second diffusion tensor eigenvalue.

K2 (K2) - Kurtosis along the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the second diffusion tensor eigenvalue

K3 (K3) - Kurtosis along the direction of minimum diffusivity.

K3 (K3) - Kurtosis along the direction of minimum diffusivity

Dmean (MD) - Mean diffusivity, the diffusivity averaged over all gradient directions.

Dmean (MD) - Mean diffusivity, the diffusivity averaged over all gradient directions

Dax (DII) - Axial diffusivity, the diffusivity in the direction of the highest diffusion.

Dax (DII) - Axial diffusivity, the diffusivity in the direction of the highest

Drad (Dl) - Radial diffusivity, the mean directional diffusivity perpendicular to the direction of highest diffusion.

Drad (Dl) - Radial diffusivity, the mean directional diffusivity perpendicular to the direction of highest diffusion

D2 (D2) - Diffusivity along the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the second diffusion tensor eigenvalue.

D2 (D2) - Diffusivity along the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the second diffusion tensor eigenvalue

D3 (D3) - Diffusion along the direction of minimum diffusivity.

D3 (D3) - Diffusion along the direction of minimum diffusivity

FA - Fractional anisotropy, degree of anisotropy of the diffusion tensor74.

FA - Fractional anisotropy, degree of anisotropy of the diffusion tensor74

KFA - Kurtosis fractional anisotropy, degree of anisotropy of the kurtosis tensor75.

KFA - Kurtosis fractional anisotropy, degree of anisotropy of the kurtosis tensor75

DT - Diffusion tensor

KT - Kurtosis tensor

* Output maps with the extension_dti are the results from DTI processing.