Tedford Research Profile

Ryan J. Tedford, M.D., FACC, FAHARyan Tedford, M.D.
Division of Cardiology
Chief, Heart Failure
Medical Director, Cardiac Transplantation
Director, Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Fellowship Training Program

Research Interests

Dr. Tedford is an internationally recognized clinical researcher and has published over 100 peer-reviewed original research manuscripts, invited expert reviews, editorials and book chapters. His research efforts are focused on hemodynamic assessment of right ventricle function and its interaction with the pulmonary circulation and left heart. This spans the fields of pulmonary hypertension, left heart disease, exercise physiology, systemic sclerosis, cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support. His group is currently investigating the diagnostic and prognostic value of right ventricular reserve and is relation to resting RV-PA coupling.

Tedford Research Group


PubMed Collection

Senior Author Publications:

Senior Author PubMed Collection (senior author publications are most often associated with mentored projects)