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Anand S. Mehta, Ph.D.

Anand Mehta, Ph.D.SmartState Endowed Chair in Proteomic Biomarkers Professor
Department: Cell & Molecular Pharmacology
Programs: Inflammation, Fibrosis, End Organ Disease 


Research Interests:

Dr. Mehta’s laboratory is also focused on understanding and developing diagnostic methods and treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is often the end result of progressive liver disease. Dr. Mehta developed a method referred to as “glycoproteomics,” and used this method to identify several serum biomarkers of liver disease and liver cancer.  His lab was one of the first to perform total serum glycan analysis for biomarker detection and one of the first to perform serum glycoproteomics. Through this, Dr. Mehta’s group identified over 30 serum glycoproteins with increased levels of fucose in those with HCC. Some of the identified proteins are already being used clinically in China for the detection of HCC while others are being used in the USA to detect fibrosis/cirrhosis in those with NAFLD. This work is supported by grant R01 CA168856 (PI: Mehta), and Dr. Mehta will continue to use the services of the Proteomics Core to identify novel markers of liver cancer and to understand the source of these markers. 


PubMed Collection