2024 Research Symposium

Research Symposium Awards

An individual award will be presented for up to three posters in each category. The first-place winner will be awarded $150, the second-place winner receives $100, and the third-place winner receives $50.

Awards will be given in the following categories:

  • Oral Presenters
  • Junior Faculty
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Residents/Fellows
  • Graduate Students                  
  • Medical Students                                                               

Abstract presenters selected for oral presentation will be awarded $200 each. Abstracts selected for oral presentation will be ranked from within each of the following combined categories: Graduate Students and Basic Science Fellows, Residents, Clinical Fellows, and Junior Faculty (Basic/Clinical).

Participants must be both affiliated with the Department of Medicine and present at the awards ceremony to receive winnings.

Research & Scholarship Awards

  • Resident Research Award: This award is intended to recognize a resident who has demonstrated excellence in research.
  • Active K Awards: Recognizes all active CY19 K Awardees
  • Outstanding Scientific Citation Award: Recognizes faculty member(s) with CY19 high impact original scientific publications.
  • MilliPub Club Award: The MilliPub Club honors and recognizes current faculty who have published one or more individual papers throughout their careers that have each garnered more than 1000 citations. Such a paper is commonly considered a “citation classic” and represents a high impact scholarship.
  • Best Mentored Paper: Recognizes a faculty member who is the senior author on a paper published with their mentee.
  • The Top 10: Recognizes the Top 10 faculty members in the Department of Medicine with the most Original Science Publications in the past calendar year.
  • Outstanding Achievement in Early Career Research: Recognizes a faculty member within eight years of his or her initial appointment who has made significant discoveries or advancements in his or her research.

Faculty Mentor of the Year

Nominated by mentees, this award is intended to recognize a mentor for excellence in mentoring junior faculty researchers.

Research Program Award

Recognizes a research team, composed of faculty and staff, that expands the Department of Medicine’s research portfolio.

Outstanding Research Staff

Recognizes a staff member who betters the Department of Medicine’s research program but is not a traditional researcher.