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Biomedical Informatics Center

The Biomedical Informatics Center (BMIC) was established in 2008 as an investment by MUSC in research infrastructure. Drs. Leslie Lenert and Jihad Obeid lead this team of around 50 of faculty and staff Informatics experts, software engineers and research support services. The BMIC has developed and operates a variety of systems for researchers across MUSC and statewide. The BMIC provides investigators a variety of software tools, databases, and support systems to improve clinical and translational research.


The BMIC has successfully designed, built and deployed several research infrastructure systems. These projects have ranged from short-term prototypes to over a decade of iterative development and support. Some examples are:

  • Clinical data warehouses
  • i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside): data mart and workbench dedicated to translational research
  • Electronic consents
  • REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture): a secure web application designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies
  • Palmetto Profiles: research networking infrastructure based on the Harvard Catalyst system
  • eIRB: using Click Commerce collaborative software for research administration
  • South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research (SCTR) Institute administrative systems such as an interactive website, services and applications management, and research guidance tools.