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Evaluation and Milestones

Throughout training, each resident is evaluated in several ways including:

Case Logs.  A summary of the resident’s operative experience is reviewed on a semiannual basis. The number of operative procedures, case variety, and the frequency with which he/she serves as the operating surgeon are monitored to ensure a complete and balanced educational experience.

End-of-rotation Milestone Evaluations.  These are completed by attending faculty after each rotation and are accessible to the residents.  A six-month aggregate report of rotation evaluations is distributed to the members of the Clinical Competency Committee prior to the semi-annual meeting for ACGME Milestones reporting.

In-Training Examinations.  Each CT resident is required to take the TSDA in-service examination each spring. Residents must perform satisfactorily each year, and a score greater than the 30th percentile overall is required for advancement in the program. Residents scoring at a lower level will be placed on academic remediation. Residents on academic remediation are required to participate in a remedial plan as defined by the Program Director. Performance at this level for two consecutive years may result in dismissal from the program.

Oral Examinations.  Residents are expected to master the information pertinent to the practice of cardiothoracic surgery during the course of their training. To stimulate continuity of this learning process and prepare the resident for examination by the ABTS, a series of oral examinations is given to the senior residents by the cardiothoracic faculty throughout the year. Residents are expected to pass satisfactorily a 30-minute oral examination in the general thoracic surgery, adult cardiac surgery, and pediatric cardiac surgery. In the event that a resident fails to perform adequately in one or more areas on a 12-month examination, he is required to retake and pass that portion of the examination.

Health Professionals Assessments.  This multiple-input approach to performance feedback known as the “360 degree assessment” is conducted semi-annually. Feedback for this evaluation is provided by the advanced practice providers. These evaluations are provided to the Clinical Competency Committee at the time of the meeting for Milestones reporting to the ACGME.

Peer Evaluations.  Peer evaluations are conducted semi-annually.  Peer evaluation composites are provided to the Clinical Competency Committee for consideration at the time of the meeting for Milestones reporting to the ACGME.

Self-evaluation.  The resident will conduct a Milestones self-evaluation semi-annually.  The resident’s self-evaluation is provided to the Clinical Competency Committee for consideration at the time of the meeting for Milestones reporting to the ACGME.

Semi-annual Milestones Reporting. In November/December and May/June each year, aggregate reports of the Milestones rotation evaluations, 360° evaluations, student evaluations, operative case logs, in-training exam results, oral exam results, and other completed assessments are reviewed by members of the Clinical Competency Committee in preparation for semi-annual Milestones reporting to the ACGME. After the Clinical Competency Committee has met and the Milestones report is completed, an individual meeting with each resident is scheduled with the Program Director to review their Milestones report. Plans for improvement, if necessary, are formed at this time.