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In Training Examination Preparation

The Self-Education Self Assessment in Thoracic Surgery (SESATS) is an online activity for thoracic surgeons and residents to review a comprehensive collection of board-like questions on general thoracic surgery, adult cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and critical care. The SESATS activity closely mimics the content and structure of the in-training exam administered to residents every year. The CT Surgery Division reimburses its residents for the purchase of SESATS.

In addition, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) offers the STS Learning Center. Residents can build customized quizzes to review topics in adult cardiac, general thoracic, and congenital surgery. All residents and faculty members have full access to the STS Learning Center library which features textbooks, videos, and case presentations. The information available in the STS Learning Center is the same used by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery to create its certification exams.