Physician Scientist Training Program
The Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP) at MUSC utilizes the ABIM-recognized research track for post-graduate training that allows trainees (MD/PhDs and MDs) to re-enter research training years faster than traditional residency/fellowship tracks. Participants complete two years of general internal medicine training prior to one to two years of clinical fellowship (depending on subspecialty). Trainees then enter their research years under the mentor of their choice for three years. The total training time is six to seven years, with research time maximized.
During the research years, participants remain clinically active but are 80% research protected (generally half day of continuity clinic per week, in addition to reduced inpatient service). Internal medicine boards are taken at the beginning of PGY4 (on track with traditional path). Specialty boards are taken at the beginning of PGY6/7 (depending on subspecialty). During all training years, participants are allocated funding of $2000 for books or travel to meetings. During research training years, participants are allocated an additional $10,000 in salary.
For select, qualified candidates, option to join faculty during last year of training (as instructor or assistant professor). Targeted ABIM Internal Medicine Board Eligibility: PGY 4. Targeted ABIM Subspecialty Board Eligibility: PGY 6 or 7 (depending on subspecialty).
Physician Scientist Training Track
Internal Medicine Training: 24 months
Subspecialty Training: 12-24 months (depending on subspecialty)
Research Training (80%): 36 months
Ambulatory Clinic during Training: 1/2 day per week
For select, qualified candidates, option to join faculty during last year of training (as instructor or assistant professor). Targeted ABIM Internal Medicine Board Eligibility: PGY 4. Targeted ABIM Subspecialty Board Eligibility: PGY 5 or 6 (depending on subspecialty).
YEARS 1-3 (Clinical Years)
$2,000 in support of travel to a national meeting, journals
YEARS 4-6 (Research Fellowship)*
$10,000 to supplement salary; $2,000 to support travel expenses
*6.5 or 7 years if Hematology/Oncology, Gastroenterology or Cardiology
How to Apply
Candidates are self-identified and should apply by submitting an application via Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) for MUSC Internal Medicine Residency and, upon interview scheduling, express interest in the PSTP. During the interview process, candidates will interview with the Internal Medicine Program Director, the PSTP Program Directors, and the specialty fellowship director when appropriate. Candidates will tour research spaces and meet campus investigators of interest. A letter of reference from the candidate’s research mentor and copies of scientific publications may be requested. Since the interview day is longer, we highly encourage interested candidates to spend the night. Hotel accommodations for 1 night will be reimbursed. Candidates will separately rank "Physician Scientist Pathway".
Our research programs in cancer immunotherapy, stem cell therapy, diabetes, lipid biology, clinical genetics in cardiology, global health, inflammation and fibrosis are very well funded to name a few.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
MUSC’s research facilities continue to expand dramatically with the addition of the James Clyburn Research Complex, consisting of the Drug Discovery and Bioengineering Buildings for translational research and in vivo experimentation. Additionally, MUSC has a Center for Global Health, Center for Health Disparities, Center for Genomic Medicine, Center for Clinical Assessment, Teaching, & Simulation (CCAT), an NCI-designated cancer center (Hollings), Biostatistics and Informatics Department, as well as both standard and unique basic/translational research cores. The Department of Medicine has also developed a robust faculty mentoring program.
About MUSC
Founded in 1824 in Charleston, The Medical University of South Carolina is the oldest medical school in the South. Today, MUSC continues the tradition of excellence in education, research, and patient care. MUSC educates and trains more than 3,000 students and 750 residents in six colleges (Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy), and has nearly 14,000 employees, including approximately 1,500 faculty members. As the largest non-federal employer in Charleston, the university and its affiliates have collective annual budgets in excess of $2.6 billion, with an annual economic impact of more than $3.8 billion and annual research funding in excess of $250 million. MUSC operates a 700-bed medical center, which includes a nationally recognized Children's Hospital, the Ashley River Tower (cardiovascular, digestive disease, and surgical oncology), Hollings Cancer Center (a National Cancer Institute-designated center), Level I Trauma Center, Institute of Psychiatry, and the state’s only transplant center. In 2019, for the fifth consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report named MUSC Health the number one hospital in South Carolina. For more information on academic programs or clinical services, visit For more information on hospital patient services, visit