Department of Medicine 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony

June 04, 2020

The Department of Medicine's Annual Awards Ceremony is always a highlight--a way to recognize our outstanding trainees, faculty, and staff for their achievements in education, patient care, and research over the past year.

The 2020 DOM Awards were presented by Interim Department Chair Ben Clyburn, M.D., Internal Medicine Residency Program Director Ashley Duckett, M.D., and other members of the GME team at a special virtual ceremony held on June 4, 2020. Congratulations to all of the 2020 recipients!

2020 DOM Award Recipients:

Department of Medicine faculty, fellows, residents and staff were recognized for the following awards and honors:


Fellow of the Year: Awarded to the Department of Medicine fellow who has demonstrated the most dedication to teaching residents this year. Selected by residents.
George Carter, M.D., First Year Fellow, Pulmonary and Critical Care
Travis Ferguson, M.D., First Year Fellow, Pulmonary and Critical Care


Division of the Year: Awarded to the Department of Medicine Division that has demonstrated the most dedication to teaching residents this year. Selected by residents.
Winner: Division of Infectious Diseases


Attending of the Year (Dr. Michael Assey Award): Awarded to a member of the Medicine faculty who has excelled in educating residents in the inpatient setting. Selected by residents.
Winner: Jennifer Bracey, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine

Ambulatory Teacher of the Year (Outpatient Attending): Awarded to a member of the Medicine faculty who has excelled in educating residents in an ambulatory care setting. Selected by residents.
Winner: Brad Keith, M.D., Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine and Associate Vice Chair for Graduate Medical Education

Consult Teacher of the Year: Awarded to a member of the Department of Medicine faculty who has excelled in educating residents/fellows on a medicine consult service. Selected by residents.
Winner: Blaithin McMahon, MB BCh BAO, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Nephrology

Excellence in Medical Student Teaching: Awarded to clinical faculty within the Department of Medicine who interact with students as part of the Internal Medicine Clerkship and who exceed expectations in the realms of student education, mentorship, and/or leadership. Selected by medical students.


  • Kathryn Anderson, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine
  • Andrew Goodwin, M.D., Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

1st Runners Up:

  • William Shelley, M.D., Instructor, General Internal Medicine 
  • Samuel Schumann, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine

2nd Runners Up:

  • Roger Kyle, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine 
  • Maggie Thomas, M.D., IM Chief Resident

Education Mentoring Award: This award is to acknowledge and value a Department of Medicine clinician educator for the mentoring of junior faculty or trainees. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Val Fernandes, M.D., Professor, Cardiology

Outstanding Junior Faculty Clinician Educator of the Year Award: Awarded to a junior faculty member at the Clinical Instructor or Assistant Professor level who exemplifies excellence in patient care, communication, and teaching to students, residents and/or fellows. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Samuel Schumann, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, and Associate Program Director, IM Residency Program

Outstanding Mid-Career Clinician Educator of the Year Award: Awarded to a mid-career faculty member at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level who exemplifies excellence in patient care, communication, and teaching to students, residents and/or fellows. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Ashley Duckett, M.D., Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine, and IM Residency Program Director

Outstanding Established Clinician Educator of the Year Award: Awarded to an established faculty member at the Associate Professor (≥ 5year) or Professor who exemplifies excellence in patient care, communication, and teaching to students, residents and/or fellows. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Cassandra Salgado, M.D., Professor and Division Director, Infectious Diseases, and MUSC Hospital Epidemiologist

Excellence in Patient Satisfaction: Awarded to faculty who score above the 95th percentile in patient satisfaction on the CAHPS Clinician and Group Survey for all four quarters of the year.


  • Ellen Baldino, PA-C, APP, Hematology/Oncology
  • Elisha Brownfield, M.D., Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine
  • Amanda Friedlander Fowler, NP, APP, Hematology/Oncology
  • Faye Hant, D.O., Associate Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • Daniel Judge, M.D., Professor, Cardiology
  • Chris Nielsen, M.D., Professor, Cardiology
  • Lauren Pearce, FNP, APP, Hematology/Oncology
  • Eric Powers, M.D., Professor and Dr. Peter C. Gazes Endowed Chair for Clinical Cardiology
  • Richard Rissmiller, M.D., Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care
  • Andrew Schreiner, M.D., Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine
  • Carol Sherman, M.D., Professor, Hematology/Oncology

The Doctor’s Doctor Award: Awarded to a Department of Medicine physician who provides outstanding clinical care to his/her patients; exemplifies characteristics that would lead you to send a loved one to him/her. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Ben Clyburn, M.D., Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Medicine

Professionalism Award: Awarded to a Department of Medicine faculty member who exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism, compassion, and a deep and abiding commitment to humanism in health care, delivering person-centered care. Selected by faculty.
Winner: Richard Silver, M.D., Distinguished University Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology, and Vice Chair for Development

Hidden Gem Award: Awarded to Department of Medicine faculty member(s) in recognition of their outstanding, but often unnoticed or unrecognized contributions to the division, DOM, or MUSC. Each division nominates a Hidden Gem. Nominated by Division Directors.
Winner: Andrea Loftley, M.D., Assistant Professor, Endocrinology

DOM Lifetime Clinician Educator Achievement Award: Intended to recognize lifetime achievement in the service of the academic missions of the DOM. Nominated by Division Directors.
Winner: Patrick Flume, M.D., Professor and Powers-Huggins Endowed Chair for Cystic Fibrosis, Pulmonary and Critical Care


Resident Research Award: This award is intended to recognize a resident who has demonstrated excellence in research. Selected by Research Symposium Committee. 
Winner: Brett Tomashitis, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

Research Faculty Mentoring Award: Nominated by mentees, this award is intended to recognize a mentor for excellence in mentoring junior faculty researchers. Selected by Research Symposium Committee.
Winner: Gerard Silvestri, M.D., Professor and George C. and Margaret M. Hillenbrand Endowed Chair

Active K Awards: Recognizes all active CY19 K awardees.


  • Bryan Garcia, M.D., Assistant Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy & Sleep Medicine
  • Elizabeth Kirkland, M.D., Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine

Outstanding Scientific Citation Award: Recognizes faculty member(s) with CY18 high impact original science publications.
Winner: Daniel Judge, M.D., Professor, Cardiology

MilliPub Club Award: The MilliPub Club honors and recognizes current faculty who have published one or more individual papers throughout their careers that have each garnered more than 1000 citations. Such a paper is commonly considered a “citation classic” and represents high impact scholarship.


  • Diane Kamen, M.D., Associate Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • Xian-Kui Zhang, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • John Gnann, M.D., Professor, Infectious Diseases
  • Diane Kamen, M.D., Associate Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • Pamela Morris, M.D., Professor, Cardiology
  • Michael Gold, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Michael E. Assey of Endowed Chair of Cardiology, Cardiology
  • Michael Zile, M.D., Distinguished University Professor and Charles Ezra Daniel for Cardiology Endowed Chair, Cardiology
  • Catalin Baicu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Cardiology

Best Mentored Paper Award: Recognizes a faculty member who is the senior author on a paper with their mentee. Selected by Research Symposium Committee.


  • Carol Feghali-Bostwick, Ph.D., Professor and Kitty Trask Holt S.C. SmartState® Endowed Chair for Fibrosis Research, Rheumatology & Immunology (mentor)
  • Paula Ramos, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology (mentee)

Top Ten Publishers Club Award: Recognizes the Top 10 faculty members in the Department of Medicine with the most Original Science Publications in past calendar year (CY19).


  • Michael Zile, M.D., Distinguished University Professor and Charles Ezra Daniel for Cardiology Endowed Chair, Cardiology
  • Diane Kamen, M.D., Associate Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • Carol Feghali-Bostwick, Ph.D., Professor and Kitty Trask Holt S.C. SmartState® Endowed Chair for Fibrosis Research, Rheumatology & Immunology
  • Don Rockey, M.D., Professor, Gastroenterology & Hepatology
  • Charlie Strange, M.D., Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy & Sleep Medicine
  • Michael Gold, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Michael E. Assey of Endowed Chair of Cardiology, Cardiology
  • Gregory Cote, M.D., Professor, Gastroenterology & Hepatology
  • Sheldon Litwin, M.D., Professor and Countess Alicia Spaulding-Palozzi SmartState Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Imaging, Cardiology
  • Joseph Elmunzer, M.D., Professor and Peter B. Cotton, M.D. Endowed Chair for Endoscopic Innovation, Gastroenterology & Hepatology
  • J. Terrill Huggins, M.D., Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy & Sleep Medicine

Outstanding Achievement in Early Career Research Award: Recognizes a faculty member within 8 years of his or her initial faculty appointment that have received major funding within the calendar year (non-K awardees). Selected by Research Symposium Committee. (New)
Winner: John Wrangle, M.D., Assistant Professor, Hematology/Oncology

Outstanding Research Program: Recognizes a research team, composed of faculty and staff, that expands the Department's research portfolio. Selected by Research Symposium Committee. (New)
Winner: Pulmonary Clinical Trials Program

Outstanding Research Staff Member Award: Recognizes a staff member who betters the department's research but is not a traditional researcher. Selected by Research Symposium Committee. (New)


  • Kate Taylor, Program Manager, Pulmonary and Critical Care
  • Ashley Warden, Clinical Research Manager, Pulmonary and Critical Care


General Internal Medicine Ambulatory Resident of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine resident who consistently displays professional excellence, compassionate patient care and teamwork among colleagues in the outpatient setting. Selected by University Internal Medicine faculty.
Winner: Ricky Lueking, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

General Internal Medicine Hospitalist Resident of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine resident who consistently displays professional excellence, compassionate patient care and teamwork among colleagues in the inpatient setting. Selected by Academic Hospitalists.
Winner: Nishant Trivedi, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

General Internal Medicine Ambulatory Intern of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine intern who consistently displays professional excellence, compassionate patient care, and teamwork among colleagues in the outpatient setting. Selected by University Internal Medicine faculty. (New)
Winner: Meg Scott, M.D., PGY-1 Intern

General Internal Medicine Hospitalist Intern of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine intern who consistently displays professional excellence, compassionate patient care and teamwork among colleagues in the inpatient setting. Selected by Academic Hospitalists. (New)
Winner: Dena Blanding, M.D., PGY-1 Intern

Teaching and Education Award: Awarded to a DOM resident who demonstrates excellence in teaching and provides leadership and promotes or imparts medical education at MUSC. Nominees consist of residents who received top evaluations from medical students. Selected by Education Planning Committee. (New)
Winner: Isaac Jaben, M.D., PYG-3 IM Resident

Leadership Award: Awarded to a DOM resident who demonstrates outstanding leadership characteristics, improving the quality of clinical care or organizational operations. Nominated by residents and faculty. (New)
Winner: Jessica English, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

Triple Threat Award: Awarded to a DOM resident who best integrates excellence in clinical work, education, and "scholarly activity" into their practice. Selected by Education Planning Committee. (New)
Winner: Milad El Hajj, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

Doctor’s Doctor Award: Awarded to a DOM resident who you would choose to take care of you or your family. Selected by residents. (New)
Winner: Ricky Lueking, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

Professionalism Award: Awarded to a DOM resident who demonstrates a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities while adhering to ethical principles and maintaining a sensitivity to the varied patient populations that they serve. Characteristics such as respect, altruism, integrity, honesty, compassion, and empathy should be evident in all interactions, including with peers, supervisors, students, patients, and their families. Nominated by residents and faculty. (New)
Winner: William Harvey, M.D., PGY-3 IM Resident

Intern of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine intern in recognition of the individual’s professional excellence displayed in the provision of compassionate patient care and the promotion of teamwork among colleagues. Selected by residents.
Winner: Meg Scott, M.D., PGY-1 Intern

Resident of the Year: Awarded to a Department of Medicine resident in recognition of the individual’s professional excellence displayed in the provision of compassionate patient care and the promotion of teamwork among colleagues. Selected by residents.
Winner: Megan Veglia, M.D., PGY-2 IM Resident


Community Service Award: Awarded to a DOM resident, trainee, or faculty member who take action to create change in their communities. Nominated by Division Directors. (New)


  • Ashley Waring, M.D., Third Year General Cardiology Fellow
  • Todd Gandy, M.D., Third Year Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellow