Fellowship Curriculum

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to provide a blended approach to training, integrating clinical practice and research throughout the three years. This comprehensive structure is designed to reflect life as a critical care physician in an academic center and safeguards against long stretches of clinical service to avoid burnout.

In the first year, fellows will have dedicated time to explore their academic interests and connect with faculty across the University system that align with those interests. This initial phase is crucial for building a strong research mentorship team tailored to your needs, allowing fellows to follow their passion, not be plugged into a system that does not fit.

To meet and exceed ACGME requirements, our curriculum includes a blend of lectures, simulation exercises, clinical experiences, and a broad, department-wide fellowship curriculum. This multi-faceted approach put learners in a wide variety of learning environments to harness their individual strengths to maximize their capabilities as future leaders in critical care.

Our clinical rotations are designed with the end in mind – to mirror our faculty schedules and amplify longitudinal time spent with faculty during clinical service. This alignment prepares fellows for the demands and expectations of professional practice after their training is complete.

There are ample opportunities for fellows to engage in educational activities within our residency and medical school programs. These teaching experiences not only enhance their own learning but contribute to the development of future medical professionals.