Research Track

Program Description

The overall goal of the FLEX Scholarly Concentration Course is to provide the student with rich, engaging research experience provided through a mentored relationship with a faculty member in either the clinical or basic sciences. A successful research experience is one that is rewarding to both the student and the mentor with, as one desired outcome, progress toward a publication co-authored with the student.  At the culmination of the FLEX Phase, all students will present their work at the FLEX Fair in either oral or poster format.

FLEX Concentration Course Learning Objectives

  1. Evaluate the literature to identify a focus for a scholarly project that will advance what is currently known about health and disease (PL 3)
  2. Apply a systematic approach to design, implement and evaluate a scholarly project (MK 8)
  3. Assess outcomes of work on a scholarly project to define appropriate next steps (PD 2)
  4. Present scholarly work clearly and concisely in a structured abstract, poster and verbal poster presentation (CS 1)

FLEX-Specific Research Opportunities