
Tibor Fulop, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Medicine/Division of Nephrology

Projects include:

  1. Clinical epidemiology research of MUSC databases with respect to Chronic Kidney Disease and associated co-morbidities
  2. Case Studies in Acute Kidney Injury, Critical Care Nephrology and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies

ResearchGate Profile for Dr. Fulop
PubMed Bibliography for Dr. Fulop
Google Scholar Citations for Dr. Fulop

Daria Ilatovskaya, M.S., Ph.D., FAHA

The Ilatovskaya lab (Department of Medicine) is focused on cardiorenal aspects of hypertension, diabetes and polycystic kidney disease. We ask translational questions in the area of physiology and use a variety of techniques, starting from single-cell approaches (patch-clamp electrophysiology) to cell culture and advanced tissue imaging, and whole-animal surgeries (for example, to continuously measure blood pressure or infuse drugs). We are a young vibrant lab, and we make sure to pay individual attention to everyone we train, and provide as many presentation and publishing opportunities as we can.
More information can be found by following this link to the Ilatovskaya Lab

Josh Lipschutz M.D.

My lab is interested in kidney development, cystic kidney disease, acute kidney injury and ciliogenesis. We use cell culture, zebrafish, mice, and genome wide association studies in our research.
More information can be found this link to the Lipschutz Lab
A EurekaAlert about a recent paper may also be helpful: