Digestive and Liver Disease Research Opportunities

Don Rockey, M.D.

MUSC has obtained a training grant through the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that will support training Medical Students interested in GI and liver disease research. The goal of this training grant is to pair highly motivated students with experts with expertise in GI and/or liver disease research who are committed to mentoring Students. The grant will support the following specific efforts:

(1) It will provide students with a focused research experience by becoming engaged with a highly successful digestive and/or liver disease Mentor during the second year
(2) It will provide Students with focused curricular course work in digestive and liver disease research

This training grant provides an ideal opportunities for students to become engaged in GI and/or liver disease research. The environment for Students to participate in GI and liver disease research has never been better. Ultimately, it is expected that some of the Students participating in this program will choose to pursue a career in GI and liver disease research.

Below is a list of potential mentors and their areas of research. Mentors can be contacted directly by email.

*Representative grants (PI or MPI) are shown.
#Those with K award or equivalent funding are considered emerging mentors, and themselves have a mentor. 


Research Area 



*Active Grants

Katherine Chetta, M.D.#  Free fatty acids and enterocolitis  chetta@musc.edu  Pediatrics  NIH UL1TR001450
Stephen Duncan, Ph.D.  Hepatocyte modeling of metabolic liver disease  duncanst@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH R01DK102716
Joe Elmunzer, M.D., MSCR  Advanced GI endoscopy, colorectal cancer screening  elmunzer@musc.edu  Medicine  NIH U01DK104833
Valerie Durkalski, Ph.D.  Clinical trials in GI and hepatology  durkalsv@musc.edu  Public Health Sciences  NIH U01DK129191
Amy Engevik, Ph.D. #  Microvillus Inclusion Disease (MVID) and cholestasis  engevika@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH K01DK121869
Mindy Engevik, Ph.D. #
 Microbial-host crosstalk in the intestinal mucus layer  engevik@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH K01DK123195
Lewis Frey, Ph.D.
 Artificial Intelligence approaches for modeling liver disease    Public Health Sciences  DoD I01HX003379
Silvia Guglietta, Ph.D.
 Immune responses and gut microbiota in IBD  gugliett@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH R01CA258882
Denis Guttridge, Ph.D.
 Pancreatic cancer and cachexia  guttridg@musc.edu  Pediatrics  NIH P01CA236778
Jessica Hartmann, Ph.D. #  Metabolism and xenobiotic toxicology in liver disease  hartmanj@musc.edu  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  NIH R00ES029552
Aaron Hobbs, Ph.D. #
 Ras mutations in pancreatic cancer  hobbsg@musc.edu  Pharmacology  NIH P20GM130457
David Koch, M.D.
 Complications of cirrhosis  kochd@musc.edu  Medicine  NIH U01DK058369
Antonis Kourtidis, Ph.D.
 RNAi regulation at colonic epithelial cell junctions  kourtidi@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH R01DK124553
Dan Lackland, DrPH
 Epidemiologic clinical research  lackland@musc.edu  Public Health Sciences  NIH R25NS098999
John Lemasters, M.D., Ph.D.
 Mitochondria in ethanol and drug-induced liver injury  lemaste@musc.edu  Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences  NIH R01DK119523
Anand Mehta, Ph.D.
 Glycoproteomics in liver fibrosis and liver cancer  mehtaa@musc.edu  Cell & Molecular Pharmacology  NIH R01CA237659
Eric Meissner, M.D., Ph.D.
 Hepatitis B viral infection  meissner@musc.edu  Medicine  NIH P20GM130457
Jorge Munera, Ph.D.
 Colonic organoids for modeling GI disease  munera@musc.edu  RMCB  NIH R56DK129575
Paul Nietert, Ph.D.
 Hierarchical data analysis, truncated distributions, health services research  nieterpj@musc.edu  Public Health Sciences  NIH P30AR072582
Jihad Obeid, M.D.
 Artificial Intelligence for the early detection of cirrhosis  jobeid@musc.edu  Public Health Sciences  NIH R56MH124744
Don Rockey, M.D.
 Liver fibrosis, portal hypertension, clinical outcomes in chronic liver disease  rockey@musc.edu  Medicine  NIH P30DK123704
Andrew Schreiner, M.D.
 EHR-based primary care management of chronic liver disease  schrein@musc.edu  Medicine  NIH R03DK129558
Kristin Wallace, Ph.D.
 Ethnic disparities in colorectal cancer  wallack@musc.edu  Public Health Sciences  NIH R01CA226086
Hongjun Wang, Ph.D.
 Novel therapeutics for chronic pancreatitis  wangho@musc.edu  Surgery  NIH R01DK118529
Caroline Westwater, Ph.D.
 Candida infections in GI disease  westwatc@musc.edu  Oral Health Sciences  NIH P20GM130457
Yuan Zhai, M.D., Ph.D.
 Ischemia/reperfusion injury in liver transplantation  zhaiy@musc.edu  Surgery  NIH R01DK119338
Zhi Zhong, Ph.D.
 Mitochondrial dysfunction in liver disease  zhong@musc.edu  Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences  NIH R01AA025379