Team Science

Team Science Program


To foster collaboration between COM scientists by supporting new research teams. The Team Science Program (TSP) is designed to support initial studies that have potential to establish new funded research programs. The expected outcome from the selected team is two co-authored publications and the submission of one competitive NIH R01 (or equivalent) proposal within two years.


Research teams should consist of 2-3 COM faculty and include a new scientific partnership. Teams must be COM faculty, tenure track,  at MUSC but can include collaborations with external scientists. However, program funding can NOT support external scientists. Priority is for teams that include at least one of the following:• New basic and translational faculty partnerships (*Note increased funding support)• New junior and senior faculty partnerships• Development of new or innovative technology• New cross-disciplinary faculty partnerships.


$100,000 each year for two years ($200,000 total). Up to 10% (NIH Cap) can be used for faculty salaries.


Research proposals should use NIH format (including 11-point arial font and 0.5-inch margins). Factors considered during review include but are not limited to: publication and grant history of the team members, team strength, program innovation, significance, and translational impact.

Components:• Specific Aims (1 page)• Research Proposal (3 pages, including Significance, Innovation, and Approach)• Team science justification and multiple PI plan (1 page)• Timeline with milestones for publications and grant submissions (1 page)• NIH Biosketch for each faculty investigator• Budget - All normal research activities except PI travel; and up to $10,000 per year total, including benefits, may apply toward Basic Science PI salary support and up to $25,000 per year for Physician scientist in translational teams (NIH Caps)• Budget justification• Letter of support from each Department/Division Chair.

Submission and Review

Applications should be submitted as a single PDF by email to the office of the Senior Associate Dean for Research in the College of Medicine. The deadline is March 15th. The Team Science Committee will review applications. Recommendations by the Team Science Committee will be submitted to the Dean of the College of Medicine for a final decision.

Major Review Criteria• Does the team include a new partnership?• Is the new partnership an integral part of the research plan?• Do the proposed studies enhance the College’s research community?• Will the completed project be competitive for extramural funding?

Progress Reports and Expectations

Progress reports are required each year during the two-year funding period and for two years after the funding period ends. The report should describe the preparation and submission of all publications and grants related to the project. The expectation is that one NIH R01 (or equivalent) proposal and two co-authored publications will be submitted by the end of the funding period. It is expected that Investigators and Department/Division Chairs will meet periodically to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities. A second year of funding is contingent on favorable review of the one-year progress report.

Provide Contact Information with application (separate page)Applicants (PI) Name and Credentials:  (i.e. James Smith, M.D., Ph. D.), Project Name/Title,   Department Chair, and Department Business Administrator/Manager.

Please note announcement and due dates subject to change:  For additional information contact Mary McConnell.

Programming Quick Reference:

Bridge Funding -March 15

High Impact Research Publications - April 15th; August 15th; December 15th

K-R Clinician Scientist Bridge Funding - December 15th

Team Science - March 15th

COM-PPG - August 15th

Notes:   Program announcements are made in the Dean’s weekly newsletter sent via email to all COM employees.

If due date falls on a weekend the following Monday is the due date. All dates subject to change.