Dr. Gilbert and trainee

Career Development

Each resident’s training is tailored to their individual interests and career goals. Interns are assigned an advisor (Associate Program Director or Core Faculty) and meet with their advisor throughout the year in a small group setting. Advisors help interns find a general medicine or subspecialty mentor for their remaining years of residency. As well as receiving career advice, our residents have the opportunity to create their own Clinical or Research Electives to fit with their goals. Each year, chief residents survey residents (including incoming interns) about their career interests, so that we can tailor each resident’s schedule to their needs. Rather than using templated tracks, we work with each resident individually to create a residency experience that builds toward their career goals.

Residents interested in leadership opportunities can participate in multiple committees. Examples of internal medicine committees include the Morbidity & Mortality Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Wellness Committee. MUSC-wide committees with resident involvement include the House Staff Council as well as numerous GME elected positions.

We have also recently established a Physician Scientist pathway, with one position offered per year. Please email our chief residents if you are interested in this pathway.