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Conference Agenda

Friday, February 14, 2025

7:30am Registration/Breakfast with Exhibitors

8:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Opening Plenary Session
Hormonal Conundrums & Controversies in Cardiobascular Disease Risk

Moderator, Pamela B. Morris, M.D.

8:15 The Other Sex Hormone: Testosterone and CV/Cardiometabolic
Steve Kopecky, M.D.

8:40 Timing is Everything: Contraception and Reproductive Planning
in Patients with CV Risk, 
Pamela B. Morris, M.D.

9:05 Extending the Glory Days or Increasing CV Risk: Post-
Menopausal Hormone Replacement, 
Noel Bairey Merz, M.D.

9:30 The Forgotten Hormone: Aldosterone and CV Risk in
Hypertension and Heart Failure,
Jan Basile, M.D.

9:55 Panel Discussion, Drs. Kopecky, Morris, Bairey Merz, Basile

10:15 Break with Exhibitors

The 360 Degree View of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction
Moderator, Ashley Waring, MD

10:45 Beyond the Coronaries: Preventive Strategies in PAD and
Cerebrovascular Disease, 
Greg Piazza, M.D.

11:10 Beyond Atherosclerosis: INOCA and MINOCA
Noel Bairey Merz, M.D.

11:35 News Flash: HFpEF is a Cardiometabolic Disease
Sheldon Litwin, M.D.

12:00 VTE: Considerations in Management in Cardiometabolic
Greg Piazza, M.D.

12:25 Panel Discussion, Drs. Piazza, Bairey Merz, Litwin

12:45 Lunch (on you own)

Getting to the Finish Line: It Takes the Entire Team
Moderator: Pamlea B. Morris, MD

2:00 Come into the Huddle for Complex Case Discussions
Case Presentations: Ashley Waring, MD
Panelists, Janet Carter, RDN; Kellie McLain, NP;
Wayne Weart PharmD, NP-HF, CDE, RN/CR
(HFpEF, HeFH, Obesity)

3:00 MOC Assessment/Adjourn

Saturday, February 15, 2025

7:30am Registration/Breakfast with Exhibitors

8:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Changing the Paradigm: The Top Recent Trials in Preventive Cardiology
and Cardiometabolic Health

Moderator, Pamela B. Morris, MD

8:05 Trial #1: Noel Bairey Merz, M.D.

8:15 Trial #2: Michael Shapiro, D.O.

8:25 Trial #3: Steve Kopecky, M.D.

8:35 Trial #4: Christie Ballantyne, M.D.

8:45 Trial #5: Greg Piazza, M.D.

8:55 Panel Discussion, Drs. Bairey Merz, Shapiro, Kopecky,
Ballantyne, Piazza

9:15 Break with Exhibitors

Driving in the Fast Lane: Keeping Pace with Advances in Dyslipidemia
Moderator: Jan Basile, M.D.

9:45 Triglycerides, Remnant Cholesterol, and CV Risk Management,
Michael Shapiro, D.O.

10:10 Faster Than the Speed of Light: Evolving LDL and
Pamela B. Morris, MD

10:35 Dyslipidemia Whiplash: Evolving Measures of
Lipid/Lipoprotein-related Risk, 
Christie Ballantyne, M.D.

11:00 Panel Discussion: Drs. Shapiro, Morris, Ballantyne

11:15 The Most Important Voice of All: Learning to Hear the
Patient’s Perspective

Moderators: Ashley Waring, MD
Patient Interviewer: TBA
1. Severe Hypertriglyceridemia
3. Complex Hypertension

12:00 Lunch (on your own)

Updates in Cardiometabolic Risk: A Potpourri
Moderator: Pamela B. Morris, MD

1:15 Diabetes Management 2025: What’s New?

Jennifer Green, M.D.

1:40 The Wins of Losing: Obesity Management and CV Risk,
Chiadi Ndumele, M.D.

2:05 Caution: Liver at Risk in Cardiometabolic Disease,
Vishal Rao, M.D.

2:30 Panel Discussion, Drs. Green, Ndumele, Rao

3:00 Closing Remarks/MOC Assessment/Adjourn