Inclusive Excellence in DPHS

DPHS Inclusive Excellence Scholarship

The Department of Public Health Sciences will award an incoming student pursuing an MPH Biostatistics, MPH Epidemiology, or MPH Health Behavior and Health Promotion who demonstrate a commitment to public health and high potential for leadership.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Must be accepted into MPH Biostatistics, MPH Epidemiology, or MPH Health Behavior and Health Promotion program.
  2. Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher of latest degree, and identify as one of the following:
    • An underrepresented minority (i.e. African American, Hispanic)
    • A first-generation college student.
    • A resident of a rural or underrepresented area.
  3. Be committed to serving the public health needs of diverse populations.

DPHS Inclusive Excellence Scholarship Recipients

MPH Student Majayla Page is presented with the 2021 Minority Scholarship

Majayla Page is a first-year MPH Epidemiology student. She graduated spring 2021 from Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC with a GPA of 3.76. While at Claflin University, she was a Scout Master for a cub-scout group, had the opportunity to serve as Miss Pre-Alumni Council, Miss United Negro College Fund (UNCF), UNCF Student Ambassador, 2020-2021 UNCF National Pre-Alumni Council Eastern Regional Director and Chaplain, and a volunteer with the Black Voters Matter Fund. Majayla also conducted vascular dementia research, with Dr. Maggie Miller, within the South Carolina-Advancing Diversity in Aging Research (SC-ADAR) undergraduate research program, at the University of South Carolina. After completing her MPH in Epidemiology, she would like to attend medical school to obtain a MD/PHD and become a scientist and the first African American pediatric cardiologist within her community, who will use science and new discoveries to save and change lives for the better, and to do each procedure through robotics.

MPH Student Bria Sanders is presented with the 2021 Minority Scholarship

Bria Sanders is a first-year MPH Health Behavior and Health Promotion student. She is a spring 2021 graduate of South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC where she majored in biology and graduated with a 3.74 GPA. As a certified nursing assistant (CNA), Bria worked as a hospitality aide at a local nursing home to immerse and involve herself within her community. Attending MUSC for graduate school has been a dream of hers after she completed a ten-week internship in 2019 with the South Carolina Cancer Health Equity Consortium (SC CHEC) which strengthened her interest in public health and encouraged her to apply to the MPH program. Her five ultimate career goals as a future clinician are to advocate against health inequalities, fight to eliminate health disparities, protect the health of populations, prolong the lives of individuals, and expand access to quality healthcare in underserved and diverse areas.