Researchers awarded $3.1M
David Taber is the PI on a $3.1M NIH/NIDDK study that aims to demonstrate an effective approach to improve long-term outcomes in AA kidney recipients
College of Medicine
Our research aims to improve patients' lives through surgical innovation, basic and translational research, clinical research, and heath services and outcomes research. With the resources now available through the Harvey and Marcia Schiller Surgical Innovation Center, the Center for Cellular Therapy, enterprise-wide research resources, and a depth of clinical interests, the Department is well-equipped to support our teams’ expanding scope of research interests.
Students can join ongoing research projects with world-renowned faculty members dedicated to providing mentorship and shadowing experiences. To facilitate your search, we have organized our researchers by Surgical Division as well as by the Category of Research they conduct. If you see something interesting, please feel free to contact the faculty member directly for more information. Having trouble finding a match? We can help with that too! Please email Vice Chair of Research Jean Marie Ruddy, M.D. at ruddy@musc.edu with questions about finding the best research path for you!
Keywords: Clinical Research, Quality Improvement, Wellness, Entrepreneurship
Research Interests: My research involves around QI and basic science (particularly VTE).
Keywords: Basic/Translational Research; Clinical Research; Quality Improvement
Research Interests: I am involved with clinical research initiatives looking at trauma care as well as ICU care. I have a particular interest in coagulation, neurotrauma, and thoracic trauma. My research focus is in improving the care of traumatically injured patients. We are looking at the operative and non-operative management of patients with rib fractures. I am particularly interested in the quality of life improvement from acute rib fractures. Additionally we are investigating outpatient rib diseases (slipped rib syndrome, xyphoidynia, and malunion / nonunion rib fractures. Lastly, we are looking at the basic science of rib and abdominal wall anatomy and its effects on the acute treatment of chest wall injury.
Keywords: Clinical Research
Research Interests: The focus of my research program is surgical infections including intra-abdominal infections, soft-tissue infections and healthcare associated infections. For the past 5 years, I have focused on leveraging patient generated health data to improve our detection, monitoring and reporting of surgical site infection (SSI).
Keywords: Clinical Research
Research Interest: My research initiatives are being shaped currently as the burn behavioral health program is developing.
Keywords: Public Health, Injury Prevention
Research Interests: I am working on a large multi-center study assessing risk factors for non-fatal firearm injuries, and will also be performing in depth analysis on patients treated at MUSC to identify leading modifiable risk factors and intervention opportunities. In addition, I will be performing outcomes evaluation of our hospital and community violence intervention programs. I have an additional project that will examine the incidence of adverse social determinants of health in the burn and trauma populations, their associations with poor outcomes and intervention opportunities.
Keywords: Education
Research Interest: Surgical Education Research includes studying not only how we teach, but how students learn, the best environment, and trainee characteristics which can impact learning. We study curriculum development, new ways of assessing knowledge, and evaluating the impact of national standards. Currently, I have been looking at operative experience including case log practices and am building a longitudinal leadership curriculum.
Keywords: Clinical Research;Quality Improvement;Education;Implementation Science;Community Initiatives; Wellness
Research Interest: The Global Surgery Program is currently writing book chapters and conducting research in anything global health or global surgery related. Previous work includes topics ranging from "Management of Mass Casualty" and "Neck Trauma" in a Low-Middle Income Country (LMIC) context to "MUSC graduating medical student attitudes to global health" and "Surgical resident experience in LMICs compared with US surgical resident experience". The program is open to any/all ideas related to global health research from needs assessment, implementation, qualitative and quantitative investigation.
Keywords: Clinical Research; Outcomes Research; Implementation Science; Quality Improvement
Research Interests: My research includes database analyses for lung transplant outcomes, database analyses for lung cancer and esophageal cancer care delivery, and the implementation of a shared decision tool for patients with early-stage lung cancer deciding between surgery and radiation. I am a new thoracic surgeon here and have significant time protected for research with ample time to mentor residents and students, especially those interested in lung and esophageal cancer, cancer care delivery, surgery, lung transplant, or general health services research methods. I also sit on the editorial board for the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, as well as serve as an ad hoc reviewer for the Annals of Surgical Oncology, Medical Care, and American Journal of Surgery, so I am asked to write editorials a few times a year; I would be happy to help students get some mentored experience with the peer review process and/or writing editorials.
Keywords: Basic Science
Research Interests: My laboratory studies extracellular matrix remodeling, the cell types involved, and the signaling, both biochemical and mechanical, that regulates these processes in pathological conditions such as thoracic aortic aneurysms and heart failure.
Keywords: Clinical Research; AI; Risk Modeling; Outcomes Research
Research Interests: Dr. Kilic is the director of the Harvey and Marcia Schiller Surgical Innovation Center, which focuses on harnessing the massive quantities of healthcare data to develop predictive models that can be used for individualized patient care and for supporting clinical decision-making. The MUSC Cardiac Surgery Research Group in the Innovation Center is actively involved in research and educational efforts to help increase the understanding of improving clinical outcomes through the implementation of AI ML and NLP.
Keywords: Basic Science
Research Interests: Dr. Mukherjee’s research effort is focused on the structural and electrogenic aspects of cardiac disease progression as these events relate to remodeling of cardiac chambers. In addition, Dr. Mukherjee is interested in determining the mechanisms through which light may affect wound healing and translate these studies into clinical applications.
Keywords: Ethics, Basic Science, Clinical Research
Research Interests: I have an interest in research ethics and specific interests in surgical ethics and transplant ethics. We have developed a clinical and translational research ethics certificate program, which has finished over 100 graduates. We also have published over 200 papers on topics in bioethics, surgical ethics, and research ethics, many with mentored residents and students as first author or coauthor in publications in the surgical or the ethics literature.
Keywords: AI and ML, Clinical Research, Qulaity Improvement
My research interests include: Artificial intelligence and machine learning in ICU, Clinical outcomes in aortic surgery, Device development in aortic surgery, Atrial fibrillation surgery, Enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery, and Myocardial protection
Keywords: Clinical Research
Research Interests: My research program focuses on optimizing the equitable delivery of guideline concordant care for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. These efforts are currently focused on improving utilization of extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis following major cancer surgery through a multiple methods study including the use of an electronic medical record based clinical decision support system. We are concurrently using large data sets to better understand risk factors for venous thromboembolism and other adverse events after major cancer and inflammatory bowel disease surgery. There are excellent opportunities for publication and presentation for motivated students and residents.
Research Interests: Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Keywords: Clinical Research, Quality Improvement, Wellness
Research Interests: From a research perspective I am interested in pursuing research related to both early onset colorectal cancer as well as hereditary cancer syndromes. I also have an interested in combining my passions of wellbeing and colorectal surgery to investigate how mental health may affect a patient's gastrointestinal health- specifically in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and pelvic floor disorders. Additionally, I would like to assess how wellbeing may affect patient satisfaction in patients undergoing therapy for early onset colorectal cancer.
Keywords: Clinical Research
Research Interests: We do research in thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal. There are several projects to be develop by the candidates. This is for clinical research in endocrine surgery. We also have existing databases to help with the studies.
Research Interests: My research and education interests include establishing and running a simulation program, development of non-technical skills, interprofessional education and team training, resident autonomy, curriculum development, and medical student and resident education.
Keywords:Clinical Research, Quality Improvement
Research Interests: My research interests include quality improvement and health services research on the bariatric population. Currently, I am working on clinical outcomes projects centering on adolescent and young adults undergoing bariatric surgery. I am also interested in how variations of surgical treatment affect patient outcomes and the impact of shared decision making between patients and surgeons on hernia and foregut surgery.
Keywords: Basic Science and Translational Research
Research Interests: Dr. Hongjun Wang's lab focuses on bench to bedside translational research related to the treatment of type 1 diabetes and chronic pancreatitis. The research spans from basic science studies to clinical trials aimed to understand the mechanism as well as the clinical application of various therapeutic approaches including cell therapy and others. The interdisciplinary research team members include scientists, physicians, surgeons, clinical trial coordinators, students and technicians.
Keywords: Clinical Research, Quality Improvement, Basic/Translational Research
Research Interests: My research initiatives include: strategies for early identification and treatment of biliary atresia, investigating therapies to reduce harm from the management of primary and metastatic nephroblastoma, implementation and analysis of the use of viscoelastic assays to identify and treat hypocoaguability of pediatric trauma, and defining systematic barriers to improving pediatric surgical care through quality improvement.
Keywords: Basic Science
Research Interests: My research focus is centered on patients with CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia) and also pediatric patients who require ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) support for a variety of reasons. I work with the Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group, an international organization of physicians devoted to research dedicated to improving the quality of care and of life of survivors of CDH. The CDHSG maintains an international registry of >10,000patients with CDH, of which MUSC is now a contributing member. My work with the pediatric ECMO program is centered around quality of care of patients, center outcomes measures, and provider educational initiatives.
Keywords: Clinical Research, Disparities
My research lab centers around the use of telemedicine to address healthcare disparities for underserved populations. Specifically, I am investigating the role of mobile health applications in the treatment of outpatient pediatric burns. I also have a number of other clinical research projects in common pediatric surgical diseases, such as gastrostomy use, inguinal hernia, and NEC.
Keywords: Quality
Research Interests: The focus of my research is centered around improving the quality of care for pediatric trauma patients. We have a number of ongoing research initiatives, including projects in imaging for blunt abdominal trauma, massive transfusion practices, trauma triage, PTSD following trauma and intimate partner violence. In addition, I am involved in a pectus excavatum study, a study on high powered magnets and collaborate with my partners on a review of laparoscopic inguinal hernia outcomes.
Keywords: Clinical Outcomes Research
Research Interests: Clinical outcomes research in pediatric hand, reduction mammaplasty, and the use of Artificial intelligence in plastic surgery.
Keywords:Outcomes research
Research Interests: Breast reconstruction outcomes studies
Keywords: Clinical Outcomes Research
Research Interests: Outcomes based research for breast reconstruction, limb salvage, disparities of care, and complex reconstructions
Keywords:Clinical Outcomes Research
Research Interests: Outcomes based research for breast reconstruction, limb salvage, disparities of care, and complex reconstructions
Keywords:Clinical Outcomes Research
Research Interests: My interest is clinical research in plastic surgery. My main focus is on quality of life, outcomes, and innovative techniques in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, and lymphedema
Research Interests: There is a new opportunity for a Certificate in Clinical Research. It will be available on a merit basis to a resident who is interested in clinical outcomes and clinical trials research. The certificate is earned through the College of Medicine and involves online courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, grant writing, etc. The online courses can be taken over one to two years and will count as credit toward a Masters in Clinical Research if the resident desires. Upon completion of the certificate program the resident will have 17 credit hours and will have the foundation to develop clinical research questions, functioning knowledge of how to calculate statistics within a research framework, and will have established connections with outcomes researchers within MUSC. I will serve as the overall research mentor for this project but will facilitate additional research relationships based upon the residents' interests. The number of residents who will be offered this opportunity is not predetermined and again will be chosen on merit of application. Any resident interested in this opportunity should contact abbottan@musc.edu
Our goal is to leverage the power of information technology to help identify every mutation carrier for every hereditary cancer syndrome known to man BEFORE they develop cancer. We use Artificial Intelligence, graph and relational databases, knowledge management techniques and Natural Language Processing to organize the world’s literature on germline cancer genetics. We use this Knowledge Base to develop visualizations and Clinical Decision Support Tools that help bring clinical cancer genetic testing into the mainstream. We are looking for researchers interested in becoming Domain Experts in cancer genetics to develop physician educational tools, patient facing tools, systematic reviews and knowledge discovery. Our products can be found at:
Gene-Cancer Visualizations using graph database technology
Research Interest: My research focuses on tumor angiogenesis and immunotherapy. We have discovered novel targets for cancer, elucidated molecular mechanisms, and developed novel therapeutics.
Research interest: My research interests include human-centered design and health system transformation to value-based care.
Research Interest: Dr. Mehrotra’s research group has focused on understanding T cell biology for immunotherapy of cancer. In order to generate tumor-reactive T cells that can persist longer, and lead to control of tumor growth, his group is testing several strategies. They previously described a novel strategy to demarcate effector T cells based on cell surface thiol (c-SH) expression into c-SHhi and c-SHlo T cells. They showed high anti-oxidant property is central to potent anti-tumor effector T cells, and directly correlates to CD62Lhi central memory, low glycolytic, and low mitochondrial membrane potential phenotype, all of which may be linked and contribute to better tumor control. His group has also shown that p53 regulates T cell glycolysis and altering p53 levels in T cells could be exploited to control tumor growth. More recently, his group has shown that targeting non-canonical ectonucleotidase CD38 on T cells could lead to a potent and long-term control of tumor mediated by anti-tumor T cells. His group is also working to combine strategies where targeting kinases with checkpoint blockade could enhance the effectiveness of ACT. A recent study from his group showed that a combination of PIM kinase inhibitor administered along with anti-PD1 and ACT leads to a robust tumor control.
Research Interest: Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Keywords: Clinical Research; Quality Improvement
Research Interest: If you are a medical student or surgery resident interested in clinical trials, outcomes research, disparities, we have opportunities to actively participate in ongoing research endeavors. Current projects include using mobile health technologies, disparities, and longitudinal outcome analyses or kidney transplantation. https://medicine.musc.edu/departments/surgery/research/transplant-immunobiology-research/david-taber
Keywords: Basic/Translational Research
Research Interest: Dr. Zhai leads the MUSC Transplant Research team within the Lee Patterson Allen Transplant Immunobiology Lab, where he will work in concert with transplant surgeon and Vice Chair of Innovation Joseph Scalea, M.D. and Dirk van der Windt, M.D. Ph.D. He is a nationally-renowned basic science researcher in organ transplantation who aspires to help patients minimize the use of immunosuppressive drugs by therapeutically establishing/enhancing their transplant-specific immune regulatory functions or tolerance. In his research endeavors, he collaborates with clinicians to test novel molecules and pathways derived from animal studies as markers of tissue injury and inflammation, with the goal to translate research into clinical application.Academic research training of the next generation of scientists has been an important component in his laboratory. Since 2004, more than 20 postdoctoral fellows and college students have been involved in his research projects. The overall goal of the research of the lab is to elucidate the mechanisms of inflammatory immune activation and resolution in liver ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. His work in Kupffer cells (KC)/macrophage subsets in IR livers revealed that liver inflammatory immune activation is associated with increase of infiltrating macrophages (iMØs) and a drastic depletion of resident KCs (KCs). The opposite, i.e., contraction of iMØs and recovery of KCs, is associated with the resolution of liver inflammation. Additionally, M1 polarization is evident in the activation stage, and M2 polarization in the resolution stage of liver immune response in both liver macrophage subsets.Dr. Zhai hypothesizes that IR triggers KC necroptosis which constitutes a key mechanism of liver inflammatory immune activation and functions in synergy with the infiltration and activation of iMØs. Additionally, KCs execute the homeostatic function in liver IRI by phagocytosis of apoptotic/necrotic cells, which regulates KC innate immune activation and promotes their polarization towards immune regulatory/reparative type. Results will potentially provide novel rationale to design appropriate cell-targeted therapies to ameliorate liver IRI.
Keywords: Basic/Translational Research
I am a transplant surgeon and transplant immunologist. My research focuses on ex-vivo therapy of the liver during normothermic machine perfusion, in order to improve organ quality even prior to transplantation in the recipient. Currently, my investigations are aimed at anti-inflammatory treatment to reduce ischemia and reperfusion injury. In addition, the time on the perfusion pump provides an exceptional window of opportunity for treatment strategies that will have a long-lasting effect post-transplant, such as the introduction of (epi)genetic modifications to have a beneficial effect on inflammation, rejection, or recurrence of steatosis or fibrosis in the liver graft. The overall goal is to develop innovative treatment strategies to intervene in the sequence of cell death, inflammation, antigen presentation, rejection, chronic allograft fibrosis and dysfunction, and thereby optimize marginal livers to avoid organ discard, and prolong graft survival after transplant. Between my partnership with Dr. Yuan Zhai in the Lee Patterson Allen Transplant Immunobiology Lab and the development of a clinical liver perfusion program, we have the full breath of translational scientific opportunities.
Mentor: Thomas Brothers, M.D.
Keywords: Clinical Research
Research Interest: My clinically-oriented research his primarily focused on lower extremity arterial disease, especially dealing with clinical decision making tools and predictive modeling, in an effort to maximum patient quality of life. Analysis is performed based on review of local patients as well as utilizing national patient databases.
Mentor: Jean Marie Ruddy, M.D.
Keywords: Basic Science Research
Research Interest: I am a vascular surgeon-scientist who investigates tension-induced signaling in the aorta as it relates to hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm. Integrating animal and benchtop techniques has allowed undergraduate students, medical students, and residents to complete projects in the laboratory, present at national meetings, and write manuscripts for publication. Our team is supportive and we have success obtaining funding for the lab experience.
Mentor: Adam Tanious, M.D.
Keywords: Clinical Research; Human Centered Design; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; Education; Entrepreneurship
Research Interest: My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!
Mentor: Mathew Wooster, M.D.
Keywords: Quality, Education
Research Interest: My interests are in technique descriptions, single center quality reviews, and case series in vascular surgery.
Arman Kilic, M.D., Cardiothoracic Surgery & Director of the Harvey and Marcia Schiller Surgical Innovation Center - A major focus of the center is in harnessing the massive quantities of healthcare data to develop predictive models that can be used for individualized patient care and for supporting clinical decision-making. Current Projects in AI and Machine Learning in the Surgical Innovation Center
Kevin Hughes, M.D. Director of the Hereditary Cancer Center / Cancer Genetics Research Group - Our goal is to leverage the power of information technology to help identify every mutation carrier for every hereditary cancer syndrome known to man BEFORE they develop cancer. We use Artificial Intelligence, graph and relational databases, knowledge management techniques and Natural Language Processing to organize the world’s literature on germline cancer genetics. We use this Knowledge Base to develop visualizations and Clinical Decision Support Tools that help bring clinical cancer genetic testing into the mainstream. To learn more about our research: Cancer Genetics Research Group
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!
Sanford Zeigler, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery - Artificial intelligence and machine learning in ICU. Clinical outcomes in aortic surgery. Device development in aortic surgery. Atrial fibrillation surgery. Enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery. Myocardial protection.
To see more AI / ML / NLP research being conducted in the Department of Surgery, visit the Harvey and Marcia Schiller Surgical Innovation Center
Evert Eriksson, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - I am involved with clinical research initiatives looking at trauma care as well as ICU care. I have a particular interest in coagulation, neurotrauma, and thoracic trauma. My research focus is in improving the care of traumatically injured patients. We are looking at the operative and non-operative management of patients with rib fractures. I am particularly interested in the quality of life improvement from acute rib fractures. Additionally we are investigating outpatient rib diseases (slipped rib syndrome, xyphoidynia, and malunion / nonunion rib fractures. Lastly, we are looking at the basic science of rib and abdominal wall anatomy and its effects on the acute treatment of chest wall injury.
Jeffrey Jones, Ph.D. Cardiothoracic Surgeryy - My lab is investigating the role of cellular phenotype change in the pathogensis of thoracic aortic aneurysm.
Rupak Mukherjee, Ph.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery - Dr. Mukherjee’s research effort is focused on the structural and electrogenic aspects of cardiac disease progression as these events relate to remodeling of cardiac chambers. In addition, Dr. Mukherjee is interested in determining the mechanisms through which light may affect wound healing and translate these studies into clinical applications.
Jean Marie Ruddy, M.D. Vascular Surgery - I am a vascular surgeon-scientist who investigates tension-induced signaling in the aorta as it relates to hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm. Integrating animal and benchtop techniques has allowed undergraduate students, medical students, and residents to complete projects in the laboratory, present at national meetings, and write manuscripts for publication. Our team in the cardiovascular research lab is supportive and we have success obtaining funding for the lab experience.Robert Sade, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery - We have developed a clinical and translational research ethics certificate program, which has finished over 100 graduates. We also have published over 200 papers on topics in bioethics, surgical ethics, and research ethics, many with mentored residents and students as first author or coauthor.
Dirk Van der Windt, M.D. Ph.D. Transplant Surgery - I am a transplant surgeon and transplant immunologist. My research focuses on ex-vivo therapy of the liver during normothermic machine perfusion, in order to improve organ quality even prior to transplantation in the recipient. Currently, my investigations are aimed at anti-inflammatory treatment to reduce ischemia and reperfusion injury. In addition, the time on the perfusion pump provides an exceptional window of opportunity for treatment strategies that will have a long-lasting effect post-transplant, such as the introduction of (epi)genetic modifications to have a beneficial effect on inflammation, rejection, or recurrence of steatosis or fibrosis in the liver graft. The overall goal is to develop innovative treatment strategies to intervene in the sequence of cell death, inflammation, antigen presentation, rejection, chronic allograft fibrosis and dysfunction, and thereby optimize marginal livers to avoid organ discard, and prolong graft survival after transplant. Between my partnership with Dr. Yuan Zhai in the Lee Patterson Allen Transplant Immunobiology Lab and the development of a clinical liver perfusion program, we have the full breath of translational scientific opportunities.
Yuan Zhai, M.D. Ph.D. Transplant Surgery - Dr. Zhai leads the MUSC Transplant Research team within the Lee Patterson Allen Transplant Immunobiology Lab. He is a nationally-renowned basic science researcher in organ transplantation who aspires to help patients minimize the use of immunosuppressive drugs by therapeutically establishing/enhancing their transplant-specific immune regulatory functions or tolerance. The overall goal of the research of the lab is to elucidate the mechanisms of inflammatory immune activation and resolution in liver ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury.
Andrea Abbott, M.D. MSCR - Surgical Oncology - There is a new opportunity for a Certificate in Clinical Research: This opportunity will be available on a merit basis to a resident who is interested in clinical outcomes and clinical trials research. The certificate is earned through the College of Medicine and involves online courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, grant writing, etc. The online courses can be taken over one to two years and will count as credit toward a Masters in Clinical Research if the resident desires. Upon completion of the certificate program the resident will have 17 credit hours and will have the foundation to develop clinical research questions, functioning knowledge of how to calculate statistics within a research framework, and will have established connections with outcomes researchers within MUSC. I will serve as the overall research mentor for this project but will facilitate additional research relationships based upon the residents' interests. The number of residents who will be offered this opportunity is not predetermined and again will be chosen on merit of application. Any resident interested in this opportunity should contact abbottan@musc.edu
Milton Armstrong, M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - My research i in clinical outcomes research in pediatric hand, reduction mammaplasty, and the use of Artificial intelligence in plastic surgery.
Thomas Curran, M.D. MPH Colorectal Surgery - My research program focuses on optimizing the equitable delivery of guideline concordant care for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. These efforts are currently focused on improving utilization of extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis following major cancer surgery through a multiple methods study including the use of an electronic medical record based clinical decision support system. We are concurrently using large data sets to better understand risk factors for venous thromboembolism and other adverse events after major cancer and inflammatory bowel disease surgery. There are excellent opportunities for publication and presentation for motivated students and residents.
Bruce Crookes, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - My research involves around QI and basic science (particularly VTE).
Kevin Delaney, M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Breast reconstruction outcomes studies
Kate Engelhardt, M.D. MS, Cardiothoracic Surgery - My research includes database analyses for lung transplant outcomes, database analyses for lung cancer and esophageal cancer care delivery, and the implementation of a shared decision tool for patients with early-stage lung cancer deciding between surgery and radiation. I am a new thoracic surgeon here and have significant time protected for research with ample time to mentor students, especially those interested in lung and esophageal cancer, cancer care delivery, surgery, lung transplant, or general health services research methods. I also sit on the editorial board for the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, as well as serve as an ad hoc reviewer for the Annals of Surgical Oncology, Medical Care, and American Journal of Surgery, so I am asked to write editorials a few times a year; I would be happy to help students get some mentored experience with the peer review process and/or writing editorials.
Evert Eriksson, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - I am involved with clinical research initiatives looking at trauma care as well as ICU care. I have a particular interest in coagulation, neurotrauma, and thoracic trauma. My research focus is in improving the care of traumatically injured patients. We are looking at the operative and non-operative management of patients with rib fractures. I am particularly interested in the quality of life improvement from acute rib fractures. Additionally we are investigating outpatient rib diseases (slipped rib syndrome, xyphoidynia, and malunion / nonunion rib fractures.) Lastly, we are looking at the basic science of rib and abdominal wall anatomy and its effects on the acute treatment of chest wall injury.
Fernando Herrera, M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - My research interests are outcomes based research for breast reconstruction, limb salvage, disparities of care, and complex reconstructions
Yulia Gavrilova, Ph.D. Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - My research initiatives are being shaped currently as the burn behavioral health program is developing.
Gabriel Klein M.D. MS -- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Outcomes based research for breast reconstruction, limb salvage, disparities of care, and complex reconstructions
Aaron Lesher, M.D., Pediatric Surgery - My research lab centers around the use of telemedicine to address healthcare disparities for underserved populations. Specifically, I am investigating the role of mobile health applications in the treatment of outpatient pediatric burns. I also have a number of other clinical research projects in common pediatric surgical diseases, such as gastrostomy use, inguinal hernia, and NEC.
Mike M.Mallah, M.D. - Trauma Surgery The Global Surgery Program is currently writing book chapters and conducting research in anything global health or global surgery related. Previous work includes topics ranging from "Management of Mass Casualty" and "Neck Trauma" in a Low-Middle Income Country (LMIC) context to "MUSC graduating medical student attitudes to global health" and "Surgical resident experience in LMICs compared with US surgical resident experience". The program is open to any/all ideas related to global health research from needs assessment, implementation, qualitative and quantitative investigation.
Deepak K. Ozhathil, M.D. Burn Surgery - Research interests include understanding the microbiome of the burn wound using next generation sequencing technology and machine learning. Using cutting edge technology, my team plans to map out how the microbiome of the burn wound changes over time, responds to treatments and interact with the immune system. Machine learning will be the key to translating this data into meaningful interventions.
Isis Scomacao M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - My interest is clinical research in plastic surgery. My main focus is on quality of life, outcomes, and innovative techniques in breast reconstruction, microsurgery, and lymphedema
Jeffrey M. Sutton, M.D., Surgical Oncology - Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Robert Sade, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery - We have developed a clinical and translational research ethics certificate program, which has finished over 100 graduates. We also have published over 200 papers on topics in bioethics, surgical ethics, and research ethics, many with mentored residents and students as first author or coauthor.
Christian Streck, M.D., Pediatric Surgery - My research interest is in Pediatric Trauma
Dave Taber, PharmD Transplant Surgery If you are a medical student or surgery resident interested in clinical trials, outcomes research, disparities, we have opportunities to actively participate in ongoing research endeavors. Current projects include using mobile health technologies, disparities, and longitudinal outcome analyses or kidney transplantation. https://medicine.musc.edu/departments/surgery/research/transplant-immunobiology-research/david-taber
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!
Dennis Vane, M.D. Pediatric Surgery - My research includes 20 years of clinical research.
Mathew Wooster, M.D., Vascular Surgery - My interests are in technique descriptions, single center quality reviews, and case series in vascular surgery.
Sanford Zeigler, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery - My research interests include: Artificial intelligence and machine learning in ICU | Clinical outcomes in aortic surgery | Device development in aortic surgery | Atrial fibrillation surgery | Enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery | Myocardial protection
Colleen Donahue, M.D. Colorectal Surgery - Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Jeffrey M. Sutton, MD, Surgical Oncology - Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.Cynthia Talley, M.D. Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - Surgical Education Research includes studying not only how we teach, but how students learn, the best environment, and trainee characteristics which can impact learning. We study curriculum development, new ways of assessing knowledge, and evaluating the impact of national standards. Currently, I have been looking at operative experience including case log practices and am building a longitudinal leadership curriculum.
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!
Mathew Wooster, M.D. Vascular Surgery - Technique descriptions, single center quality reviews, case series
Dennis Vane, M.D. Pediatric Surgery - 20 years of clinical research.
Bruce Crookes, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - My research involves around QI and basic science (particularly VTE).
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts.David Mahvi, M.D., Surgical Oncology - Human centered design, health system transformation to value based care
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!
Kate Engelhardt, M.D., MS - My researchinterest in implementation science is the implementation of a shared decisiontool for patients with early stage lung cancer deciding between surgery and radiation. I am a new thoracic surgeon here and have 40% of my time protected for research so absolutely have time to mentor students, especially those interested in lung and esophageal cancer, cancer care delivery, surgery, lung transplant, or general health services research methods.
Aaron Lesher, M.D., Pediatric Surgery - My research lab centers around the use of telemedicine to address healthcare disparities for underserved populations. Specifically, I am investigating the role of mobile health applications in the treatment of outpatient pediatric burns. I also have a number of other clinical research projects in common pediatric surgical diseases, such as gastrostomy use, inguinal hernia, and NEC.
David Taber, Pharm.D., MS Transplant Surgery --If you are a medical student or surgery resident interested in clinical trials, outcomes research, disparities, we have opportunities to actively participate in ongoing research endeavors. Current projects include using mobile health technologies, disparities, and longitudinal outcome analyses or kidney transplantation. https://medicine.musc.edu/departments/surgery/research/transplant-immunobiology-research/david-taber
Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. Adam Tanious, M.D. Vascular Surgery - National vascular curriculum. My research focuses on 3 main categories: Innovation, Education, Clinical Vascular Outcomes. I co-chair the Vascular Surgery Innovation Group which meets quarterly to generate new ideas for novel devices. Additionally, we also have several education projects as well as clinical vascular outcomes projects in various stages and are excited to welcome anyone interested to join our efforts!Ashley Hink, M.D. MPH Trauma and Surgical Critical Care - We have multiple active projects within colorectal surgery. Specifically, we have efforts aimed at equitable delivery of guideline concordant care for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. We welcome participation of residents and students in these efforts.
Bruce Crookes, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - My research involves around QI and basic science (particularly VTE).
Evert Eriksson, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - I am involved with clinical research initiatives looking at trauma care as well as ICU care. I have a particular interest in coagulation, neurotrauma, and thoracic trauma. My research focus is in improving the care of traumatically injured patients. We are looking at the operative and non-operative management of patients with rib fractures. I am particularly interested in the quality of life improvement from acute rib fractures. Additionally we are investigating outpatient rib diseases (slipped rib syndrome, xyphoidynia, and malunion / nonunion rib fractures. Lastly, we are looking at the basic science of rib and abdominal wall anatomy and its effects on the acute treatment of chest wall injury.
Colleen Donahue, M.D. Colorectal Surgery - Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Kate Engelhardt, M.D. MS Cardiothoracic Surgery - My research includes database analyses for lung transplant outcomes, database analyses for lung cancer and esophageal cancer care delivery, and the implementation of a shared decision tool for patients with early-stage lung cancer deciding between surgery and radiation. I am a new thoracic surgeon here and have 40% of my time protected for research with ample time to mentor students, especially those interested in lung and esophageal cancer, cancer care delivery, surgery, lung transplant, or general health services research methods.
Yulia Gavrilova, Ph.D. Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care My research initiatives are being shaped currently as the burn behavioral health program is developing.
Jeffrey M. Sutton, MD, Surgical Oncology Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.Dave Taber, PharmD Transplant Surgery I am a practicing clinical pharmacist in transplantation and trained in health services research and epidemiology. My research interests include medication safety, health care disparities and outcomes research as it pertains to secondary analyses of large-scale datasets, epidemiologic research and clinical trials. I am open to mentoring resident(s) on outcomes research project(s) in any of these areas.
Mathew Wooster, M.D., Vascular Surgery - Technique descriptions, single center quality reviews, case series
Sanford Zeigler, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgery Artificial intelligence and machine learning in ICU Clinical outcomes in aortic surgery Device development in aortic surgery Atrial fibrillation surgery Enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery Myocardial protection
David Taber, Pharm.D., MS Transplant Surgery -- If you are a medical student or surgery resident interested in clinical trials, outcomes research, disparities, we have opportunities to actively participate in ongoing research endeavors. Current projects include using mobile health technologies, disparities, and longitudinal outcome analyses or kidney transplantation. https://medicine.musc.edu/departments/surgery/research/transplant-immunobiology-research/david-taber
Bruce Crookes, M.D., Acute Care, Trauma, Burn, Surgical Critical Care - My research involves around QI and basic science (particularly VTE).
Colleen Donahue, M.D. Colorectal Surgery - Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.
Jeffrey M. Sutton, M.D., Surgical Oncology Historically, I have done clinical outcomes research in cost-effectiveness and educational research that I would like to continue.Mathew Wooster, M.D., Vascular Surgery - Technique descriptions, single center quality reviews, case series
Outcomes research is a facet of research that measures results of various medical treatments and/or interventions in patient populations. The purpose of outcomes research per the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is to assist patients, clinicians, purchasers and policy makers in making informed health decisions by advancing quality and relevance of evidence.
Our Clinical Researchers have an active portfolio - Here's a sampling of our clinical researchers active portfolios:
Mary Kate Bryant, MD MSCR, focuses on quality improvement and health services research on the bariatric population. Specifically, her projects target why certain patients succeed and others have less favorable outcomes after bariatric surgery. She has ongoing projects around clinical outcomes in bariatric surgery for the adolescent and young adult population. Additionally, she has interest in the impact of bariatric surgery on esophageal motility and GERD.
Recent/ongoing projects: • Weight Loss Velocity Predicts Poor Clinic Adherence in Adolescents and Young Adults after Bariatric Surgery
• A Target for Intervention: Poor Adherence to Follow-Up after Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents and Young Adults
• Dissemination of the 2022 ASMBS and IFSO Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery: what has reached primary care providers?
• Analyzing the MBSAQIP database for bariatric surgery outcomes and trends over time
Past projects:
• Preoperative esophageal testing predicts postoperative reflux status in sleeve gastrectomy patients - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37264227/
• The environmental impact of surgical telemedicine: life cycle assessment of virtual vs. in-person preoperative evaluations for benign foregut disease - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37237107/ • Telemedicine Use Decreases the Carbon Footprint of the Bariatric Surgery Preoperative Evaluation - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37407773/
• Laparoscopic Heller myotomy with Toupet fundoplication: revisiting GERD in treated achalasia - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38102398/
Thomas Curran, M.D., MPH research interests focus on mitigation of health disparities and optimization of care delivery in colon and rectal surgery, particularly colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This includes work evaluating the effectiveness of a patient centered medical home (PCMH) in the care of IBD at MUSC. Through his work as a Hollings Cancer Center Clinical Scholar for 2022-2024, his project to evaluate intervention to improve utilization in guideline concordant extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after major cancer surgery was recently funded by the National Cancer Institute as part of the Early-Stage Surgeon Scientist Program. Clinical Scholar
Link: https://hollingscancercenter.musc.edu/research/education/clinical-scholar/hollings-clinical-scholars
Pubmed Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34553754/
Heather L. Evans M.D., MS, completed pilot work in post-surgical remote wound monitoring, creating digital health care coordination protocols for other surgical services across MUSC regional health partners. She mentors students and residents in surgical infection clinical outcomes and quality improvement investigations. Dr. Evans also collaborated on a paper with Aaron P. Lesher, M.D., MSCR, who developed a novel smartphone application which improves at-home burn care delivery for patients and their families.
JSR Link:Surgery and the Smartphone: Can Technology Improve Access to Surgical Care?
Pubmed Links:Patient and Provider Preferences for Monitoring Surgical Wounds Using an mHealth App: A Formative Qualitative Analysis & Improving Antibiotic Stewardship in Acute Appendicitis through Risk-Based Empiric Treatment Selection.
Kate Engelhardt, M.D., MS current research projects include:
In 2023:
Evert Eriksson, M.D.
As Director of the Chest Wall Injury and Reconstruction Center at MUSC, Evert Eriksson, M.D. and his research group published 11 peer-reviewed research articles, with six more under review. They also published an article on an innovative technique in surgical rib fixation. His research team had three podium presentations and six abstracts presented at the Chest Wall Injury Society annual meeting. In addition, he was awarded the CWIS President’s Award for excellence in patient care, research and mentoring. Dr. Laswi, surgical critical care fellow, was awarded the best research presentation at the CWIS.
Chest wall injury centers-how we did it - PubMed
Surgical stabilization of severe chest wall injury following cardiopulmonary resuscitation: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34629459/
Yulia Gavrilova,Ph.D.
My research program focuses primarily on development, evaluation, and dissemination of culturally tailored, technology-enhanced behavioral health interventions and resources for vulnerable and clinically underserved populations in the context of trauma with a goal of increasing access to services and improving outcomes. This includes first responders, survivors of traumatic injuries and burns, and disaster survivors. I have developed and am currently directing the Burn Behavioral Health program housed within MUSC’s comprehensive Burn Center to support mental, physical, and social rehabilitation of burn patients to improve well-being and quality of life post-burn. Research opportunities include assisting with a randomized control trial of an mHealth application for burn patients and their families, quality improvement initiatives specific to evaluation and dissemination of stepped-care services for burn patients, optimizing inpatient and outpatient patient screening across multiple burn centers, and increasing patient satisfaction with care.
Ashley B. Hink, M.D., MPH, examines risk factors for firearm injury, outcomes after violence, the influence of social determinants of health on injury and health outcomes, and implementing violence reduction and intervention strategies in healthcare. Dr. Hink is funded by the National Collaborative for Gun Violence Research (NCGVR) with a team of investigators from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT).
Pubmed Links: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35224633/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34119719/
Arman Kilic, M.D., leads a large research team with a data manager, biostatisticians, AI scientists, and >30 residents and students. Clinical outcomes research in cardiac surgery and heart failure Quality improvement projects in cardiac surgery Artificial intelligence and machine learning research
Implementation of a protocol to increase the academic productivity of cardiothoracic surgery resident physicians - PubMed
Heart Transplantation for Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Outcomes Over 3 Decades: PubMed
The impact of changes in renal function during waitlist time on outcomes after heart transplantation: PubMed
In 2023, Arman Kilic, M.D. had a very successful year for clinical outcomes research in cardiothoracic surgery. Here are some highlights:
Built an outcomes research team of ~ 30 residents, students, biostatistician, data manager, and data science Masters / Ph.D.students Published >100 peer-reviewed manuscripts Our residents and students presented >10 abstract presentations at major cardiac surgery meetings Jennie Kwon, M.D. PGY-Research, was a Philip Caves Award finalist at ISHLT and presented a plenary talk at AAST on DCD heart transplantation. Dr. Kilic served as mentor and first author for both papers.
Aaron P. Lesher, M.D., MSCR main research efforts are focused on pediatric patients who are being treated for burn injury. His work has been supported by a K23 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. His second avenue of research involves collaborative projects with neonatology on improving clinical outcomes in premature babies with necrotizing enterocolitis as well as a predictive model for improved identification of infants who require tube gastrostomy.
A quality improvement initiative to standardize time to initiation of enteral feeds after non-surgical necrotizing enterocolitis using a consensus-based guideline PubMed
Virtual Visits for Outpatient Burn Care During theCOVID-19 Pandemic.PubMed
& Surgery and the Smartphone: Can Technology Improve Access to Surgical Care? PubMed
Dave Taber, PharmD, MS, is a health services researcher and epidemiologist. He conducts research in comparative effectiveness surrounding the development and testing of therapeutic and health services interventions. He is mainly interested in developing and testing methods to optimize medication safety using technology and addressing disparities in access and outcomes in transplantation. He leads the Surgical Outcomes and Research Innovation Nucleus (SORIN) within the MUSC Department of Surgery. SORIN has an active portfolio of clinical research studies across 7 divisions totaling more than 60 active studies. Dr. Taber has several active research grants funding randomized clinical trials in transplantation. He also has active and previous federal funding from VA HSR&D, NIH NIIDDK, and AHRQ. He has an active clinical practice in transplantation at the Ralph H Johnson VAMC.
Pubmed Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34197699/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33931415/
The Center for Cellular Therapy (CCT) is an FDA registered cGMP level facility that meets the most rigorous standards in the aspect of processing of cells.
The Harvey and Marcia Schiller Surgical Innovation Center is a dedicated center that aims to improve patient outcomes and healthcare efficiencies.
The Wang lab focuses on pancreatic islet cell biology and transplantation immunology in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and chronic pancreatitis.
The surgical oncology research section is composed of highly interactive research laboratories focused on developing novel cancer therapies.
The cardiovascular research laboratory is a core laboratory that serves investigators from the cardiothoracic surgery and vascular surgery divisions.
The research focus of the Lee Patterson Allen Transplant Immunobiology Laboratory is dedicated to investigating novel innovations in transplant research.