Small Group Discussions and Speaker Series

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Small Group Discussions

The Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee is excited to offer Small Group Discussions, which will be limited to 15 –20 Department of Surgery employees talking about important DEI related topics. These discussions will be a mix of Department employees, regardless of title or station, to facilitate learning together and will be moderated by Committee members. Invitations or sign-ups will be issued for each discussion, and topics will be announced in advance.

  • Understanding Your Privilege and Using it to be an Effective Ally
  • Neurodivergency in the Workplace
  • Understanding Our Native American Heritage
  • Stairs of Success are Made of People
  • Say Gay!!!! Conversation About The Gay Agenda
  • Don’t Say That!!! – How To Handle Pushback Against Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
  • Current legislation affecting the LGBTQ+ community
  • Code switching
  • My Name is Not Honey: Shining a light on the disrespect women face in the professional workplace

 Small Group Discussions

Speaker Series

In addition to the many programs sponsored by the Office of Diversity, the Department of Surgery sponsors a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion speaker series. Our series not only affords another opportunity to receive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion credit, it provides the added benefit of learning more about people's lived experiences with colleagues we work side-by-side with everyday. These shared experiences are aimed to open doors (and minds) to providing a more inclusive culture in the Department of Surgery. .

The Importance of Identifying Missteps in Our Day-to-Day Professional Interactions

Dr. Sharee Wright, vice chair of diversity, equity, and inclusion and Suzanne Drew, employee relations manager for MUSC Human Resources, led a conversation about the effects of microaggressions and their impact on the professional lives of our culturally marginalized colleagues and employees. Attendees will learn to recognize microaggressions and create strategies to mitigate unprofessional interactions that microaggressions may cause.

Brilliance Bias: The Overlooked Women In STEM

Dr. Katherine Morgan, division chief of HPB Surgery, led a talk about the overlooked women in STEM. Dr. Morgan’s talk will focus on how the women of science fight for recognition and equity in their fields. Attendees will understand the struggles women face in the medical science world and the concept of brilliance bias -- the tendency for people to think of 'brilliance' as generally a male trait.

A Conversation About Transgender Health Care featuring Chase Glenn and Sunshine Goodman

What is it like to navigate the health care system in South Carolina as a transgender man or woman? What obstacles make health care more difficult? How can health care workers improve the experience? Chase Glenn, a transgender man and director of LGBTQ+ Health Services and Enterprise Resources at MUSC, works every day to answer these questions for himself and the LGBTQ+ community. Sunshine Goodman is a transgender woman, life influencer, and motivational speaker whose personal journey has led her to and through our healthcare system. Join us for a moderated conversation with Chase and Sunshine that will educate, encourage, and empower providers to seek the compassionate transformation of health care for transgender individuals.

Turning the Table: A Conversation with Holly Whitfield 

Holly Whitfield is the executive director of Alliance for Full Acceptance (AFFA), an LGBTQIA+ advocacy non-profit organization. As a woman of color in a leadership position, Holly has great insight on how to get a seat at the table and successfully navigate leadership spaces.

Waccamaw Indian People - Past, Present, and Future

Chief Harold "Buster" Hatcher has been the chief of the Waccamaw Indians for over 26 years and his wife, Susan, has been in tribal government for over 15 years. Together they gave a perspective of the lives of the native American community in today's society.

Hispanics, Latin Americans and Latinos Charleston - A Conversation with Enrique (Henry) Grace

Henry Grace is the CFO of the Charleston Hispanic Association. He shared the differences and richness of the Hispanic, Latin American, and Latino cultures here in Charleston.