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22nd ISRHML Abstract Submittal

Abstract Submissions for ISRHML


Abstract submission is now closed.

Decisions will be sent out by July 15.

How to Participate

Step 1: Complete your Abstract Word Document (see guidelines and example below). 

Step 2: Complete the  Abstract Submission Form below.


Abstract Word Document Guidelines

  • Abstract Length: Approximately 400 words (or 2500 characters with no spaces or 3000 characters with spaces), excluding title, author and affiliation.  It may include up to 2 tables/figures (see example) 
  • Abstract must be submitted as a Word Document. Please make sure it is the final version (no track changes showing).
  • Style/Font: Arial 11
  • Scientific Language: English
  • Abstract should be structured in the following sections:           
    Abstract Title            
    Participant’s Name & affiliation
    Co-authors (if any)
    Funding source(s)