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Cleft VPD Abstract Submittal

Joint Meeting of the Cleft/VPD Interactive Conference
& International Symposium on Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
Abstract Submittal

Abstract Submissions for Cleft/VPD-CLOSED

The Joint Meeting of the Cleft/VPD Interactive Conference& International Symposium on Velopharyngeal Dysfunction Conference will be held over the dates of November 1-2, 2024. Abstract submission is open from May 20-
August 31, 2024 (midnight)
 with decisions to be sent out by September 30, 2024.

We invite you to share your expertise in the form of an abstract presentation in one of the following categories related to cleft palate and/or velopharyngeal dysfunction:

  • Research
  • Case Presentation
  • An innovative program or clinical concept 

Abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of the Conference Planning Committee. Submitting authors can select their preferred presentation format to either be a podium presentation
(7 minute oral presentation) or a poster presentation.

Abstracts will be selected based on clarity of presentation, importance/originality, understanding and presentation of findings, quality and description of subject matter, quality and completeness of supporting data, clarity and interest of presentation, methodology and contribution to clinical care and/or research involving Cleft/VPD and related craniofacial disorders.

Podium and poster presenters are required to register for the conference. The conference registration fee will not be waived for authors who have posters selected for presentation and presenters will be responsible for their own hotel and travel expenses.

How to Participate

Step 1: Complete your Abstract Word Document (see guidelines and example below). 

Step 2: Complete the  Abstract Submission Form below.


Abstract Word Document Guidelines

  • Abstract Length: Approximately 250 words (or approximately 1250 characters ), excluding title, author and affiliation.  It may include up to 2 tables/figures (see example)
  • Abstract must be submitted as a Word Document. Please make sure it is the final version (no track changes showing).
  • Style/Font: Arial 11
  • Scientific Language: English
  • Abstract should be structured in the following sections: 
     Abstract Title
    Participant's Name & affiliation
    Co-authors (if any)
    Funding source(s)